Night Two

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Ginny received fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Ron received a broom from an unknown sponsor.

Coach Hedge found a comfortable tree to sleep in.

Annabeth was unable to sleep peacefully. She was too worried about Percy and what might have happened to him.

Percy received a stack of blue pancakes from an unknown sponsor. He had a very happy night.

Peter Pettigrew spent the whole night running around the Arena as a rat.

Thalia tried to get some sleep, but every time she would begin to nod off, the mangled corpse of Sirius Black would haunt her nightmares. Needless to say, she did not rest well.

Bellatrix again attempted to create a fire using magic. This time, she managed to change her hair from obsidian black to bright pink.

Chiron let Reyna, Piper, and Rachel into his camp. They made s'mores and traded stories about their experiences during the games. Rachel desperately wanted to confess what she had seen during her vision, but she just couldn't get the words out. Every time she would open her mouth to talk about it, she would get the eerie feeling that something was watching her from the woods.

Nico received fresh water from an unknown sponsor.

Dobby bashed his head against a tree all night, constantly yelling to himself, "DOBBY IS A BAD ELF! BAD DOBBY!" as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Hermione stayed awake all night.

Dumbledore set up a small camp.

Jason received ambrosia and nectar from an unknown sponsor.

Leo passed out from exhaustion.

Malfoy received a new wand from an unknown sponsor.

Fred spent the night trying to find his twin.

Tyson saw a fire but decided to stay put.

Voldemort fell asleep.

Snape began to pace back and forth. Sometimes, he would see strange visions of events that had never happened. He saw himself as the Headmaster at Hogwarts. He saw himself killing a weakened Albus Dumbledore. Most importantly, he still saw himself being bitten by a snake. Something told him that these were more than just hallucinations.

It was chilly in the forest. Luna had been wandering for hours. Her limbs were beginning to go numb. Just when she was about to give up, she saw Octavian lying under the stars. Tears formed in her eyes as she finally found another tribute. Sure, it wasn't one of her friends, but the time she had spent alone was enough to make her not care anymore. Tired and aching, she lied down next to the Roman and cuddled up to him for warmth.

Clarisse created a small fire. She grabbed some of her food and burnt it to a crisp as an offering to her father, Ares. Whenever offerings were given to the gods, the smell of the fire was supposed to be magical. However, all she could smell now was the stench of rotting flesh.

After hours of hard work, Harry finally finished setting up a tent to sleep in. Right as he was about to head inside, he heard something strange. It was the sound of rattling chains. He turned this way and that, searching all around for the source of the noise. That's when he saw a figure heading into the woods.

"Hey! Get back here! Who are you?"

As he followed the mysterious person deeper and deeper into the forest, Harry began to grow uneasy. Finding his way back to camp would probably take forever.

Suddenly, the figure stopped. Its breathing was irregular. A quiet wheezing noise escaped through its mouth.


As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Harry was knocked to the ground. Jagged fangs tore into the boy's flesh, soaking the ground beneath him in crimson red. The monster continued to devour him, completely oblivious to its surroundings. Finally, it lifted its head back and let out a rage-fueled screech that could be heard throughout the Arena.

All of the tributes jumped awake at the sound. Something was coming, something that they were not prepared for.

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