The Feast

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The Cornucopia was replenished with food, water, weapons, medical equipment, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

Rachel, Percy, Ginny, Hermione, and Nico were the only ones who went to the feast. They began to strategize the best way to survive. During this, Rachel explained what she had seen in her most recent vision. Together, the five of them gathered as many resources and supplies as possible.

About halfway through, Percy let out a strangled gasp as he fell to the ground. Everyone turned to see Rachel forcing a dagger deeper into his back.

"There can only be one."

Nico drew his blade before sprinting towards her with an intense expression of unbridled rage. He swung wildly. Rachel easily dodged his sloppy attacks. She turned on her heel, ripping the dagger out of Percy's back, and stabbed it into Nico's head.

As the son of Hades drew his last breath, he cursed the very ground they stood upon. Dirt gave way to an eerie abyss, swallowing up everything around it.

Rachel managed to escape the quickly-growing gate to the Underworld.

Hermione tripped over a rock and became caught on an uprooted tree branch. Ginny reached out for her friend one last time though it was too late. There was nothing she could do but watch as her best friend was swallowed into the chasm.

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