Day Eight

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Ginny sat down in front of a small tree. Tears streamed down her face as she mourned the death of Hermione. She lost so many friends and family. Even if she did escape, she wondered if she would ever truly be whole again.

Tyson went to the abyss where the Cornucopia once was. He threw a couple of rocks into it before walking off. There wasn't really much else to do there.

Fred found a rat in the woods. He found this a bit odd as wildlife in the Arena was very sparse. Before he could think about it too much, Peter turned back into a human and fired the killing curse at him. Fred fell to the ground, finally joining his brother in the afterlife.

Rachel prepared all day for the event that would destroy nearly everything. She even went as far as making plans for how to eliminate the other tributes. The end was drawing near.

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