Just a nightmare :Chapter 4:

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(Honey's POV)
-Nightmaire start-
"I'm running. But why it's this nightmare again. It feels different" I say running as fast as I can "oh come on bumblebee~ you know I love you" I know that voice but who is it? Why am I running "come on buzz. come out here" the guy said in a deep and raspy voice sending chills down my spine. I run and run " Leave me alone" I yell I feel a small push and hear "you bad bad boy. You need to be punished.... Goodbye my bumblebee" as he pushes me off the cliff "ahhhhhh help" I yell *what? This is when I wake up! Why. Why is this so different. Come on wake up.* It's been hours or days. I've been floating in these stars for so long. I don't know why but I use to love stars now I hate them. "#4% I'm scared. $×%?. I'm sorry ¢%£ please. I'll be good" I say *who's name is that. I know that name* "HELP" I Yell out
-nightmaire To be counted-
-Time skip-
(Fells POV)
It's been a week since honey fell asleep. I miss him dearly. "Hey honey. I hope your having a nice dream." I say as I hold him in my arms " I miss you so much. Please wake up" I say as I sob. *Ok time for patrol* I think as I get up and walk out the door. "Blue time to switch" I say as I pat blues back "owww, to ruff bud" blue said as he pushes me"ok sorry sorry" I laugh "how's my brother doing?" Blue asks with a sadend tone. "Still asleep." I say with a shaky smile as tears start to well up. "He'll wake up" blue said as he hugs me. Blue soon goes to the house as I start my patrol. " Hey umm f.fell right" I hear a soft voice say "yes?" I ask as I tearn around. It's a spider "where's honey?" She asked I feel tears from and streem down my skull *Fuck I just got that off my mind* "h.hes in a coma in his room. He has been for a week" I say with a shaky voice. "Oh. Oh my asgore. MY BABY!" She yells as she runs tords the house. I soon take one of honey shortcuts and walk out of the igloo out side of the house. She runs tords the door as I stand Infront of it. "LET ME SEE MY BABY!" She yell at me slaming her fist on my chest over and over again. "What's that noise?" I look over to see blue standing in the doorway. "Do you know her?" I ask "let her in. She my mother" blue said with a cold stare. "Yes sir" I say as I fallow them in, she runs upstairs and slammed the door open. "As I said he's been in a coma" I say as I sit on the bed propping him on my chest. "DONT TOUCH HIM" the lady yells and goes to grab him "NO!" I yell as I put my skull down on top of his hugging him tight "I'm NEVER letting him go" I yell as I cry into his neck "WHAT HAPPENED" blue yells as he's carrying a plate of food "He won't let go of my son" the lady cry's out "Mother calm down. This is fell a close friend of honey's" blue said "IM NOT HIS FRIEND!" I yell at blue "Then what are you to him" his mom asked "...., I... I... I'm fell and he. He's my best friend.... But I love him and this is scaring me. Has he done this before" I say as I look away with a blush. "Your in love with my son?" She asked me "yes. But that doesn't answer my question!" I shout "no. No that's hasn' happened befo-" she said but blue cuts her off "yes. But it only lasted 2 days" he said "do you know why?" I ask "ummm he said something about a nightmare." Blue said "well how did he wake up last time" I asked "..... Grilby.... He ummm broke up with him"blue said with an awkward smile "what?" I ask "umm I believe it was because of a shock of emotion. Fell I think you can help" blue said with a small smile "...." I stay quiet "IF THERE'S ANY CHANCE THAT YOU CAN SAVE HIM. DO IT NOW" the woman shouts "..... Leave" I say "what?" Blue and the lady ask "leave us. We need space" I say as I look up at blue. Soon blue and his mom leaves the room. "Hey. Honey wake up please? I love you" I say as I learn down and kiss him "please" I say as I start crying.
(Honey's POV)
I hear "Please" *who is that* it soon starts to rain*what? How is it raining in the void. And why is there an eco of someone saying please* "WHO ARE YOU" I yell "honey I'm coming for you" it's that voice again but who is it why is he getting closer "Gotcha" I feel a hand on my shoulder and tearn around "R.rex??? No. No no no no why are you here" I say in a panic "because I'm your boyfriend" he says with a evil grin
(Fells POV)
I've been sitting here for 2 months taking food and bathroom brakes from time to time. "Hey honey. It's blues birthday I don't like party's so I'm here with you. I love you" I say as I kiss him once more "No. no not you" I hear I then look down it's honey. "BLUE!" I yell running down the stairs "yes fe-" "FELL! THERE YOU ARE"

- Cliff hanger people. The next chapter should come out soon. Tell me who you think it is. The Word count is 980

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