Wet Dreams - Bruise Smut

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Cole yawned as he landed on the deck of the Bounty, Kai following suit. The earth and fire ninja had been stuck flying all the way to Stix in order to deal with the infamous Ronin, who was stirring up trouble in Stix for the ninja. The two had voluntarily gone on the mission together, having known it'd take a few days to deal with it, but now after 5 days of being away, they were back on the Bounty, late at night. Kai immediately beelined it to his boyfriend, Lloyd, who sat out on the deck awaiting their arrival and gave him a kiss before picking him up bridal style and getting ready to head inside and to their room, for no doubt the same reason Cole wanted to make his way to Jay, his husband, as soon as physically possible. "Kai, wait" Kai halted and looked at Lloyd worriedly, the green ninja caught Cole's gaze, "Jay hasn't been well since you left, we got him to eat at least two times a day but he barely left your guy's room, and when he did, he was a mess.. We'll have to plan out missions better for him next time, he's been worried more than ever this time around." Cole's chocolate eyes widened as he hurried past the couple, Kai looking worried for his friend but knowing Cole would make Jay feel better almost instantly, and continued on his route to his and Lloyd's shared room. Cole practically jogged down the hall and even passed Zane with a short hi, the black ninja carefully opened the door and peeked his head in to find Jay curled up and fast asleep. Cole sighed softly in relief but could immediately tell what Lloyd had been referring to, the freckled male's auburn hair was a mess, sticking up in all places and while Jay had never been as bad as Kai about his hair, he still made sure it was never messy and brushed it daily. Cole examined to room, it wasn't messy, it was actually scarily neat, Jay wasn't the neatest person but when he stressed all he really did was clean or stay in one place which wasn't at all Jay's personality. Cole sighed softly and closed the room, quickly heading to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Cole bit into the slice of chocolate cake while he sat at the table, humming softly and mentally thanking Zane for saving the last slice of the cake for him. Once the ravenette finished his slice of cake and quickly washed the plate he'd used, drying it quickly and putting it away and wiping the crumbs of cake off his face, he quietly returned back to his and Jay's room. Once he made it to the room, his hand placed on the doorknob, he'd heard a gently whimper sound from their bedroom. Cole quickly opened the door and entered the room, looking around wildly before his eyes fell upon his sleeping boyfriend who let out a small breathy moan and rubbed his thighs together. Cole sighed in relief "Just a wet dream" Cole laughed softly as he closed the door behind him, Jay must of really missed him this time around, Jay's had abandonment issues since before the two started dating, but the last few times Cole gone on a mission for more than a day, it's been worse. Cole smirked and quickly changed out of his ninja gi, hanging it up and throwing on a pair of sweatpants, shirtless. Cole climbed into bed behind Jay and looped an arm around Jay's waist, pulling him back into Cole chest, Jay letting a small whimper out as he drowsily opened his eyes with a hum, being pulled out of his dream. "Pretty little Jaybird, having naughty dreams about daddy while he was gone?" Cole whispered huskily into Jay's ear, rubbing Jay's hips gently, the blue ninja being in only one of Cole's hoodies and some comfortable shorts. Jay hummed gently practically melting into Cole's touch, grinding his ass back on Cole's crotch, giggling tiredly as he purred. "Mhm, missed you so much daddy" "I know baby boy, Daddy's sorry he had to be gone for a few days" "s okay, Daddy's here now" Cole laughed gently as he leaned down to pepper kisses all along Jay's neck, moving his hoodie away from Jay's shoulder and sucking hickeys into Jay's neck and shoulders. "I've gotta mark my pretty bluebird back up again, all the previous marks have faded away, haven't they baby?" Jay whimpered with a nod, moaning softy when Cole bit into his shoulder, Jay had really bad self-consciousness with his body, but it had turned out that when Cole marked him up, he got all giddy and seemed to gain some self-confidence from it, so Cole frequently made sure to cover his lovely husband in hickeys and bites. "Such a needy baby, aren't you Jaybird?" Jay nodded at Cole's words as he moved his head farther off to the side, to give Cole more room. "All over tonight baby? Or should we skip the normal prep and give my baby what he's been craving since daddy's been gone?" Jay whimpered as he tried to decide what to choose. "Take your time, lovely, choose whenever you want baby, tonight is whatever you want to do, it's the least I can do for my gorgeous husband~" Jay giggles at his husband praises. "Skip all the prep tonight, daddy, want to cum on your cock!~" Cole smirks as Jay presses his ass into Cole's erect cock again. "Alright pretty baby, but daddy wants to see your fucked out face while I make you cum on my cock" Cole moves so he hovers over top of the lightning master, flipping Jay onto his back, practically tearing his own sweatpants off while Jay wiggles his shorts off. Cole pushes the his hoodie up and off of Jay, kissing his husband's chest, sucking a few hickeys into his chest and placing a few on his plump hips. Jay purrs and grabs Cole's face in his hands, pulling him down and kissing him passionately, Cole smirks into the kiss and licks Jay's lips for entrance, the freckled male accepts and the married couple made out passionately. Cole pulled away from the kiss for air, leaving both Jay and himself panting heavily for oxygen, Cole smirks and presses his forehead against his lover's. Jay giggles but is cut short when Cole pushes his cock into him. "You're so tight for me pretty pup, you really missed daddy didn't you?" Jay can only nod as he slightly drools at the feeling of Cole's cock in him. "Mmhmm soo good daddy, missed daddy and his cock so much." Cole hums as he thrusts roughly into his husband, Jay already practically screaming, his legs wrapped around Cole's waist and his arms around his neck, biting down into the ravenette's shoulder to keep from making too much noise and waking the others. Cole groans lowly as he bares his teeth at the slight pain, slamming into Jay repeatedly. Jay whimpers and moans into Cole's shoulder, drooling against his husband from the long awaited stimulation. "God baby boy, daddy won't be leaving you here for more than two days by yourself ever again." Cole growls with a groan, kissing Jay's head, humming at the feeling of the blue ninja sucking a hickey into his neck. Jay yelps and moans when one of Cole's hand slips from his hips to his cock, wrapping around his cock and jerking him off, bringing him to his edge. "D-daddy, gonna cum," "Go ahead baby boy, cum on daddy's cock" Cole purrs into Jay's ear, causing the boy below them to cum, his hand or hips refusing to stop as he helped Jay ride out his high, growling as he hit his own, stilling his hips as he pumps Jay full of his cum. Jay hums and yawns as he calms down, Cole gently and slowly pulling out of his lover. "Such a good boy for daddy, baby boy." Jay yawns and hums, cuddling up to Cole and almost immediately passing out. "I'm sorry I was gone so long, baby boy, it hadn't been my intention, Ronin made it a lot more difficult as always." Jay giggles and nuzzles closer, Cole laying down on his side and pulling Jay as close to him as possible. "It's okay, Ronin makes our job a lot harder than it needs to be, I just feel bad for worrying the others so much like I did.." Cole sighs and brushes his hands through Jay's auburn locks, "It's okay baby, they understand why you worry so much, I understand why you panic so much, and that's what matters, they aren't mad at you, they were extremely worried about you." Jay cast his glance down and nodded, "I know.. I didn't mean to make them worry so much though." "Baby, get some sleep, we can talk about everything with the others in the morning, okay?" Jay nods and leans up, stealing one more kiss from his husband for the night. "Goodnight my love, sleep well."

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