6. General F

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                           Evelyn POV
I told the guards to get them around 20 minutes ago

"FUUCCKK" My wife yells then punches the throne room door of the hinges

"We will get her back darling" I try to say confidently but i dont think its working

The guards we had sent early run back in and bow

"SPEAK" I tower over the General

"We- We tried t to get them but" General F stutters


I see her snap 3 guards necks before stopping her

I rub her back and tell her i will handle this

I watch her go to sit on her thrown 13 feet away from us.

I turn my attention back towards the tremblimg soldiers

They get even more scared my wife is always angry but me mmm im another cause.

"General F"I start

"This was tour last chance to prove yourself and y-"

"Your Highnest im so sorry" He cries

"DO NOT INTERUPT ME" I grip his neck tightly

I then release it and cirlce around the group

"You see Im generally a nice person but you all have had 1 too many chances we have a reputation too up hold do we not" I stop circling amd face them

They remain silent

"I ASKED DO WE OR DO WE NOT" the ground shakes

"Yes we do your highnest" they say in unison

I give my golden smile and begin the real fun

"Now what do we do to those who dont fillow our orders" I say in an innocent voice

"Your highnest please have mercy" a shirt looking guard says

I pretend to think about it " uhhh No i think im good."

My lovely wife comes forth with my fire sword.

"Thank you my love" I kiss her cheek

She glides towards a guard or shall i say corpse that was trying to escape

"You can have that one"

Oohh i should probably explain the sword well you see im a fire/lava elf not those pitiful earth elves that give us a bad name

"Great" she says in a low sexy voice

God shes hot

"Ok back to you pathetic fools."

My arms glow streaks of fire and i see a couple of them piss themselves

[10 minutes later]

"Someone come clean this mess" i walk out of the throne room

I head to the general training grounds

"General C i have a mission for you"

                              Raven POV
"ahhh shit... Cant... fucking.... breath.." Tokyo pantes

So we may or may not have been running and hid in a cave not knowing a bear lived there and well lets say the bear wasnt welcoming to visitors

"We have to keep moving." I say calmly

"How the fuck fuck arent you out of breath." Tokyo says still panting

" I wasnt the one who picked a fight with Vampires and wasted more of there energy that doesnt even describe how we were on the run earlier."

"True but can you blame me." They say standing tall

"Yes." I state walking  carefully througout the woods

Tokyo shrugs and walks the opposite way

"Now where are you going" i put my hands on my hips.

"Tuis" Tokyo cries (home)

"Hoe paan jy dit doen" (how are you going to do that)

" Ek weiet nie maar ek het kinders om voor te sorg." Tokyo says sadly (I dont know but i have kids to take care of)

I sigh then rub her back

"Ek sal vir jou bacl kry" ( I will get you back)

"And you.." they rest their forhead on mine

"We will see... for now we have to get out of these woods." I lift my head

They wipe their tears " RIGHT LETS FO BUBS"

"Man we are on the run we are supposed to be quite" I chuckle

And walk the opposite of where we came

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