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"Fate shuffles the cards, and we play." – Arthur Schopenhauer.

Izumi ran through the forest area of the USJ; her companions, Uraraka and Tsuyu, were slightly behind her. They had just escaped the boat in the middle of the lake section and were now hurrying toward the plaza. As they were sprinting, the group were suddenly halted by a tremor that shook the site, and shortly afterwards, Izumi noticed as something, or someone, had just flown through the sky and landed nearby.

"W-What was that?!" Uraraka asked in a slight panic.

"I'll go check it out," Izumi declared as she stepped forward. "You two must hurry to our agreed positions," She indicated. "I'll join you in brief," Even though Uraraka and Tsuyu were not all too convinced about splitting, Izumi's confidence made them accept the decision, and thus they parted ways.

Izumi sprinted through the green; she had made it to the landing site and saw a man in black armour standing up. She froze, and that's when she realized who it was. The man turned around and met Izumi's gaze through his visor. The world pauses for a few seconds as Izumi and Dark Phoenix gaze into each other's eyes.

"You are... Dark Phoenix, right?" Izumi asked as she slowly started to raise her guard.

A few seconds of silence passed, and then Phoenix replied. "I am," His voice is distorted by a filter, making it impossible for Izumi to recognize it as the voice of Izuku Midoriya.

"I have followed you ever since you first appeared," Izumi replied. "I have admired your cause. But now, seeing you mingle with these villains, was it all a farse?" She inquired.

"My convictions are true," The Phoenix replied. "And as for my purpose here, it will all be revealed soon enough,"

"You want to kill All Might, don't you?" Izumi asked as she clenched. "Then you will have to do it over my dead body!"

Izumi charged at Phoenix with an otherworldly speed. The vigilante barely had time to raise his arms and cover himself when the strike landed. He was pushed back several meters and landed against a tree. Izumi pressed on for another attack, but Phoenix managed to jump to the side this time. He quickly took from his back an ion blaster and promptly shot it against Izumi. The blonde screamed in pain at the attack, causing Phoenix to flinch slightly, but as she was pushed back by the kinetic force, she extended her hand and unleashed a beam of its own, which quickly impacted the Phoenix in his hand, destroying the blaster.

Izumi looked up from where she had landed to see the Phoenix standing tall, his sleek armour glinting in the sunlight. He hefted his sword, the sharp edge glistening with deadly intent. Across from him, Izumi crouched, her fists clenched at her sides, and her eyes glowed with an otherworldly light.

Phoenix struck next, lunging forward with his sword. However, Izumi was too fast, darting out of the way and landing a mighty blow on the Phoenix's chest. The vigilante's armour held, but the force of the flow sent him stumbling backwards. Unfortunately, the blonde didn't give him much time to recover as she unleashed a barrage of energy blasts, each hitting Phoenix with the force of a cannonball.

Phoenix pressed a button on his arm, and a shield of solid light appeared, protecting him from the attacks. In an instant, the attacks had seized, and Izumi was now in front of Phoenix, and she unleashed a powerful punch on the Phoenix's shield. The solid light held on, but the pressure was too much, and a piece on the vigilante's arm shortcircuited, and when the shield went down, he was hit straight in the face.

The two fought fiercely, their blows echoing through the entire site. The Phoenix was skilled with the sword and martial arts, but Izumi was a blur of motion, using her super speed to dodge and attack from every angle. Suddenly, the girl appeared behind the Phoenix, her eyes blazing with anger. She uttered a fierce cry, and he sent the Phoenix flying with one final burst of energy.

Mind v.s Might: Heroes Burn Eternal (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now