Chapter 1

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April Jones look at her Chanel bag in horror then she looks at her friends sat in the upmarket restaurant with her. This wasn't the life she always dreamt of.  Yes she was New York's society's darling but thIs wasn't her plan. Her dream was to come to New York and work for her sister. A dream she fulfilled until her sister found out the truth of who she really was. Well that wasn't strictly true, her sister was angry she chose her mother over her. I mean who would choose a monster over a sweet long lost relative. "You," her subconscious answered.

She runs a hand through her long black hair she needed to leave New York. She needed to make peace with her sister. It had been five years since the incident.

"April we were thinking of going clubbing tonight why don't you come."

She looks at her best friend Mindy, "I can't I have work tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't go with you guys tonight why not have a night in with hubby instead. I'm sure he would like that Mindy."

Mindy frowns then smiles at her, "I need a break from my husband and kids."

"You are having one now," April tells her.

April knew she envied her friend her family and maybe that's why she was so harsh with her. She looks at her watch, "I'm sorry I need to go."

She places some money on the table and leaves. Her chauffeur was waiting outside for her. "Please drive me back to the office."

As she is driven through the streets of Manhattan she thinks back to that faithful day her whole world changed. She was a billionaire with an adoptive mother, brother and sister. Except her adoption was illegal.

"I have changed my mind please take me home John."

"Yes ma'am."

She walk into her penthouse to be told by her housekeeper Martha someone was waiting in the living room for her.

"Who Martha I'm not expecting anyone?"

"A Cassidy Dudley."

"I don't know who that is?"

She gives Martha her coat and bag and walk  into the living room.

A 5'10 woman with brown hair and light brown eyes was sat having a cup of tea.

April clears her throat and the woman gives her a once over. "Turn for me will you dear," says the stranger as she looks at April. Who was five foot eight with long black hair, a heart shaped face and hazel eyes.

"Who are you?" Ask April with as much authority as she could muster.

"I said turn for me,"  says the cut class English voice again.

"I'm not having some stranger come into my house and tell me what to do. Are you god?"

"Obviously not," quiffs the stranger.

"Then I won't be turning for you I'm afraid."

"I'm here to give you an opportunity of a lifetime."

"You have nothing I need."

"April my grandson is in need of a wife and you're in need of someone to run your company. Let me be brutal no one wants to run the company of a murder. It doesn't look good for them."

"Then why would you think your son would want to run it?"

"My husband passed away not so long ago and my grandson has started to take stock of his life. He's spiralling and I need you to anchor him. The marriage will change your standing in the community. You see our family will legitimise you."

"I know nothing about him."

"My son owns Dudley Industry."

April swallows, she had heard of the company and it was worth ten times what her company was. "Why me and how did you get my housekeeper to let you in?"

"Persuasion, as you know my husband was made a duke and my son is the second duke in our family. When he dies my grandson will become a duke and you will be a duchess. If you marry him  you will become a marchioness until he succeeds to the dukedom."

"I don't care about a title."

"Your sister is a crown princess right?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Your new title will be very prestigious."

"I would prefer..." April stops talking for a moment.

"You don't have a relationship with her," realises Cassidy. "That's what you want more than anything."

April doesn't say anything she looks down at the floor instead. Cassidy stands and walks over to her and brings her to the sofa."You're in pain I'm sorry I bought it up. The public clearly doesn't know you two don't talk."

"Meghan has never talked about our relationship and I appreciated her doing that. It allows me to have the life and friends I have now."

"You must of hurt her very badly."

April nods, "I choose my birth mother over her."

"But we all know why you did that."

"I should've told her what I was doing because she just saw my actions as me betraying her."

"Try to explain that to her I'm sure she will understand."

"I can't even get in touch with her anymore."

"I'm so sorry my dear." Cassidy looks at her, "My offer stills stands."

"What aren't you telling me?"

Cassidy smiles sadly, "Nothing.   I just want my grandson to be happy."

"There's a chance he won't like me or want to marry me."

"He is in pain and his father is all about work. Your business will give him a reason to participate in the world again."

"I don't even know what he looks like."

Cassidy takes her phone out of her bag and shows April of photo of her grandson. She studies it, he had blue eyes, blonde hair and was about 6'2.

"I need to speak to him."

"Your life must be very unhappy if you're seriously thinking about doing this April."

April laughs bitterly, "My so call friends are with me for my money and I suspect the fact my sister will be a queen not because they like me. I don't care about the latest fashion or must have handbag. I'm in my thirties and my friends still go clubbing like they're teenagers with no responsibilities. The worse thing is they  expect me to pick up the check every time and I hate it because their husbands have money too."

Thus begins April's story. The chapters will be posted after finding myself is finished. Don't forget to add it to your library to get updates.  While you wait why not read Cassie's story it's call this is me warts and all.  Or Rachel's story call losing myself be warned that one is rated mature for sex, murder and language.

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