Chapter 11

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"Yes, we are legally man and wife but we need to get married in a month's time for the world to see."

"Seeing as we are already married let's get married in three weeks."

"If that's what you want April."

"We got engaged and married on the same day Ashton."

"I know it's very surreal."

"Technically this is our honeymoon now."

He laughs, "Well Lady Adams let's go make you that lobster mac and cheese."

"I don't feel scared about marrying you anymore is that weird? Not since we have been told the truth. I don't feel scared of marrying you anymore," says April again. "I'm curious to meet Peter Hale and his new bride. My housekeeper was really nice..."

"But finish," Ashton. "The genie is out of the bottle and now he will protect us until he dies. Then his son will protect our children. It is weird that his family has a debt they can never pay off."

"I know."

"Stiles and Derek are scary people they are not to be messed with. If he wanted to Derek could make sure you lose every penny you have April."

"I know he can. Back to us Mr. Adams are you coming back to New York with me on Friday?"

"If you want me to."

"I do Ashton."

"I'll come."

"I guess I should probably get some bodyguards now. I never saw the need for them before."

"I'm pretty sure we already have them April. Something tells me because we now know the truth Derek has assigned some to us."

"It's weird I'm extremely rich but apart from buying some expensive clothes and my apartment. I wasn't really interested in the life of a socialite."

"You grew up as a normal girl and your new friends were money hungry. I'm sure that put you off spending money to impressed them."

"It did. Hey Ashton why isn't there any photos of your grandfather in the house?"

"It's still too painful to see him."

She takes his hand and squeezes it, "I'm sorry for asking."

"It's fine he had a stroke and it killed him. My gran was devastated we all were. We didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him. When we arrived at the hospital he was already dead."

"I'm so sorry but you could always go to his gravesite and say your goodbyes there."

"Maybe one day I will."

"You clearly loved him a great deal."

"I did. When dad was busy with work grandad spent a lot of time with me to make up for it. I was his first grandchild and he made me feel special without thinking I'm better than my siblings."

"He sounds like a good man."

"He was. We need to make a start on cooking your pasta. The ingredients to make it should be in the kitchen."

Understanding Ashton wanted to change the subject April takes a hold of his hand as they walk to the kitchen side by side.

"That's the first time you reached for me I like it," says Ashton.

When the pasta was made, they sit side by side and eat their dinner.

"I was going to ask if we should put a wedding notice in the paper. Since we need to get married in England."

"If you want to Ashton. I don't really care about it since we already did the deed."

"I know but it's traditional and it's normal that I would have one."

"Then tomorrow I'll call the Times newspaper and give them our details. Wait we haven't booked the church yet."

"I sent Derek a text earlier saying we want to get married in three weeks' time. He will make sure we get our date. Do you want to get married on a Saturday or a Sunday?" Ask Ashton.

"A Friday that way there isn't a lot of spectators. Are you famous in this country?" Ask April.

"Not really but I'm in the society pages every now and again."

"Really why?"

"If I attend a charity gala or a friend's wedding that sort of thing."

"I understand it's like page six."

"Yes, it is. I didn't go to my grandfather's funeral because I couldn't face saying goodbye to him. He was my world. My role model and it was hard to accept he was gone. I know he's dead and I'm horrible person for not going to his funeral. My grandmother hired a cameraman to film his funeral. I still can't bring myself to watch it."

She places a hand on his, "One day you will find the courage to watch it and go to Alex's graveside."

"His family treated him really badly and he stood by my grandmother. He could've married a very wealthy women and choose love over money."

He starts to cry and April hugs him, "I was devastated when dad died."

"Take all the time you need."

"I miss his stories so much. He was a doctor and for a time I wanted to be one too. Then I realised I was doing it to please him. So, I dropped out of med school and studied business instead. Why am I telling you this?"

"So, you can heal maybe you need some counselling. Clearly there's more to your memories of him that you're not telling me."

He smiles at her, "Thank you. My ex phoned up the night my world tilted on its axel to offer me sex. It was her way of comforting me."

"That's so gross."

"It's Saturday night April and the tv alway have some horrible shows to watch or we can watch a movie. I have Amazon prime, Disney plus and Paramount..."

"Hey, Ashton, you have a wife now. So, you're not dealing with your grief alone anymore. I didn't know Alex, but I can give you comfort."

"Thank you."

They scrape their plates and put them into the dishwater. Ashton opens the refrigerator door, "We have chocolate cake and ice cream. How about some dessert?"

"I'll get the plates."

An hour later April and Ashton were laughing as Del Boy falls to the floor. "What's this show call again?" Ask April."

"Only fools and horses," Answers Ashton.

"It is really good."

Ashton steals a glance at April and thinks to himself. You are different from any other female I have ever met before.

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