🔥chapter 12🔥

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"Get up. Get up NOW. I SAID GET UP"

My fathers voice drifts through me in this haze of a sleep and I feel scared, even asleep I feel my chest tighten and my eyes scrunch shut.

"This is no way that you should be representing MY mafia, you either get up and continue to fight, or give up like many before you have done"

In my dream, I open my eyes to meet with my fathers grey ones, ones which were the same as mine so whenever I looked in the mirror, I was reminded of what might happen. He looks furious here, a look I had seen one to many times.

But his eyes soften, never before had I seen in a dream or real life, him calm down a little. I was confused, confused as hell to be exact! Just moments ago he had been shouting but now... he seemed calmer and it suited him better.

"I want you to get up, and keep fighting, you may never of known this but I did love you, it's just that there were...... some complications"

I still stay there, not batting an eye and cautiously look up, suddenly he seems to have forgotten something and then his face turns back to the way it was.

I recoil, like a vine from the sun and shake my head slowly. Of course he hadn't changed.

Suddenly, he walks to towards me and my breathing becomes difficult. My heart thumps in my chest as I close my eyes, ready for the slap, but when I open one eye: I'm awake and sit up immediately. A lone tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

I don't cry.

Not anymore.

Memories come flooding back, and I grip my legs tightly and put my head in between them, rocking back and forwards slowly. 

After an hour of deep breathing, I slowly look up and take in my surroundings. Dark grey walls, with strip lights over head and a large set of windows above some double doors. The windows were mirrors, like the ones you got at police stations so the people inside could only see the reflection and not what was on the other side of it. But the people on the other side could see you. 

I see that I'm in a large bed with silk sheets, quite soft to be honest and there's a small closed off toilet in the corner. 

The only place where I could get privacy. There were 4 cameras in each corner of the room and each one followed any movement.

But wait, if I was in this room then that meant-

"You've finally come to your senses" a coarse voice travels across the room. My neck snaps in that direction and I find myself looking at a grubby Colton. He had bits of dirt smeared across his face as he sat in the corner of the room, hunching over what seemed like a few sticks and stones.

"How longs it been since I've... been out?" I ask cautiously.

He gives me a sadistic look before replying, " 3 days" 

At this point I wasn't even shocked, nothing did anymore. What confused me was how I was able to survive for 3 days without support and food. I would of died.

As if he knew what I was thinking, Colton says, "That guy who's the head of... whoever they are... carried you out after that um scene you caused" he gulps before continuing " apparently you were using breathing machines and they fed you through a tube in that hospitaly part of this place. You came in 2 hours ago and woke up about half an hour later before rocking back and forth."

He pauses, as of contemplating what to say next, "are you uhhh, ok?"

I start laughing hysterically before telling him that I was fine.

Perfectly fine. 

"Who. Are. You.?" 

"Me?" I exclaim.

"Well yeah, who else" he says.

The fucking audacity.

I chuckle quietly, " you don't wanna know" then a sudden thought pops into my head, "do you miss her?"

"Who?" He asked quickly.

"Miranda obviously"

It was his turn to chuckle, "I never liked her, she's obsessed, always following me around since we were 3 and I guess since we're childhood friends I kinda felt that i had too but I couldn't really bring myself to like her! She saw you exiting the living room back at the cabins and grabbed and kissed me but I was to shocked to do anything else. What business is it of yours anyways?" He snaps at the last bit.

Rude bastard.

I shrug nonchalantly fiddle with the silk sheets. They were already starting to fray at the tips. 

"By the way, they told me to tell you that they would need to take you out for a bit." He says out of nowhere.

And that's when Leo burst in.

A room of love and concrete *MAJOR EDITING NEEDED*Where stories live. Discover now