🔥Chapter 47🔥

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Triggering scene so please read at your own risk.


I waited. 

I waited for a week. 

That week turned into a month which turned into 4 and a half months. 

Leo didn't find me and I'd lost all hope, my due date was less than a few days away and the torture continued. They said that I could give birth but the twins would immediately be taken away and be raised elsewhere. At least they'd be safe and away. 

My stomach was the size of what seemed like a yoga ball. They wriggled and kicked and I'd been ill for the last few weeks from the loss of blood, pregnancy and tiredness. I'm surprised the twins are still alive because of everything. Just fucking everything. 

Today I'd had multiple Braxton Hicks contractions, more than normal but I was fine. They had a doctor treat me for all the problems that aroused, and they told me that I wasn't giving birth anytime soon it was just those Braxton Hicks which were fake contractions. So I was good.

I am good.

I say that but let's be real: who am I fooling. I flinch every goddam time Vladlen walks in and it makes his ego inflate to the size of Mars. One thing I am proud of though is not once, not once, have I ever shed a tear infront of him. That has to count for something I guess. Anything. 

I just wanted to die. Deja Vu yet again. 

I sit in the back right hand corner of the concrete room, but the front of the room was only two metres away: that's how small the room was. Wrapping my arms around the majority of my belly, I hug it inwards with my knees too and let a few silent tears fall. My hair was ragged and looked brownish now because it was so dirty. I kept ripping my fingernails off whenever they got too big out of anxiety; but they always had some sort of dirt or mud under them. I developed an ear infection a while back and the doctors treated me for it but said I would need stronger medication to get rid of it. 

There was no clock but I could always sense when and what time Vladlen would arrive in my room. I hear loud footsteps down the hall and start shaking, sometimes I would see my father enter the room and not him. Goddam hallucinations. 

The loud door creaks open to reveal a smug looking Vladlen, he looks at me and grins as I shake more violently. "Fuck off," I whisper.

"nikto ne mozhet lyubit'. Segodnya osobennyy den'. znamenatel'nyy den', kotoryy, nadeyus', vy zapomnite nadolgo," He says in that booming voice of his. 

A room of love and concrete *MAJOR EDITING NEEDED*Where stories live. Discover now