🔥Chapter 31🔥

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I draw in a massive breath and they walk off, boot clumping of the floor and the silence was deafening. Tears slip out of my eyes, half out of gratefulness half of sadness. Poor Arabelle, the girl I'd known since I was five years old, who never had many friends at all. She was in my fucking bedroom at the ski lodge. 

She was so pretty too, I could vividly remember her very thin septum piercing: it was the most rebellious thing she'd ever done. I could still remember her dark hair that was dark on the scalp but blonde at the tips. It was her natural hair colour through and her beautiful stone eyes were just... I couldn't now but it was hard to stop. Hart could have gotten really close to her for all I knew, though he was a fucking trouble maker and I'd never had put them together but then again this place didn't know shit about us. 

Well apart from Leo who supposedly stalked me for a few years.

I let a few more tears slip and I tell Colton who's face pales and even he lets one tear go for his lost classmate. Her warm smile imprints on my mind I know. I know I'll never forget her even though I treated her like crap even though she tried to make friends with me for Mia she even supported me a lot too. 

But why. Why did she have to do that. How could she do that!

I guess I'll never know unless I speak to her myself which would never happen again or possibly speak with Hart but that seemed unlikely. 

The small knots in my stomach unclench as I try to stomach all of my lunch. I seemed too big now. It was too ironic how I'd wanted more but now could barely eat anything.

Colton sits in his lone corner and I sit in the central bed. Eating.

I wave of nausea crosses over me as I run to the small bathroom, legs weak and thin. The hatch in the bathroom opens as I slam into the door into the bathroom, vomiting up all my precious food into the toilet. As I turn to close the hatch, I remember and see what it contains.

Pregnancy tests.

Gulping, I try to open the dark cardboard quietly so Colton wouldn't hear. I was 18 and still to young to bare a child, though I was here to make a child for the sake of very well trained soldiers. It wasn't hard to kill as those people in the sports hall area where the trails where, meaning they were not trained well but just came in bulk.

 I finally realise: they wanted quality over quantity. 

Maybe I wasn't as good as I thought I was because now thinking about it, the Italian mafias were only number one because they had so many people at their disposal. 

A room of love and concrete *MAJOR EDITING NEEDED*Where stories live. Discover now