Chapter 5

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Leo's POV

"It's gone!" I exclaimed. Flipping the mattress up I looked under it, searching frantically for my tool belt. Percy and Jason appear at my side.

"What do you mean? What's gone?" Jason asked.

"My tool belt" I snapped.

"Are our swords gone aswell?" Percy asked.

"Yes, they where in the pockets of my belt, remember?" I said.

"Where could they be?" Jason questioned.
There was a small pause as we all thought about what could have happened.

"Lance" Percy hissed.
Me and Jason looked back at him.

"What?" I asked.

"It must've been Lance" Percy clarified "I saw him walking away from our cellar as just before we got here, his cell is in the opposite direction"

"It makes sense" Jason agreed "We probably aren't on his good side after that fight yesterday"
I let out a frustrated growl.

"We have to get it back!" I said.

"Calm down dude" Jason said.

I crossed my arms, and slumped on the bed.

"What about the lie detector?" Percy said.

"Well it will take me longer to make, but I took out all the pieces i need for it, I just need tools, which I don't have"

Getting of the bed I crawled under it and reached into a small hole that I had stored the small machine in.
Pulling it out, along with the spare pieces I put it in my lap, staring at it. Slowly my brain started to run little equations through my mind.
"Ok, I have all the pieces I need, just have to figure out how to put it together without tools" I said to no one in particular.

Percy and Jason sat down on their own beds, the metal frames creaked under their weight. Slowly I started piecing together the machine, thankful for my nimble fingers, allowing me to reach into the smaller spaces of the machine.

"So" Jason said quietly "The two men that where robbers, think they could be suspects?"

"Yeah, we should keep an eye on them" Percy said. I listen to their conversation but didn't add anything to it.

I fell into a familiar pattern as I put the lie detector together, causing my brain to wonder.

I wonder how Calypso is, I thought to myself, hope she is enjoying her music Summer camp, Is Festus okay? I hope Narssia remembered to shine him, I wonder if Bufford has caused any chaos yet. I was yanked out of thought by Jason shaking my shoulder.

"Guard" he hissed urgently.

Quickly I hid the machine I'm the hole under my bed. I sat back on the thin sleeping mat and masked my emotions, putting on a mischievous smirk.
A guard stopped outside our cell and glared at all of us suspiciously.

"There are visitors for you" he growled.

I looked at Jason and Percy, trying to hide my surprise.

"Well? Are you coming or not?" The guard asked gruffly, opening out cell door.

We all stood and followed the guard through the prison.
Finally we stopped in a room where there was a line of cubicals with glass windows. Through the glass I saw Piper and Annabeth standing there, chatting quietly amongst themselves.

"Wisegirl!" Percy called happily. The blond girl looked up at the sound of Percys voice and smiled at him. Jason, Percy and I stood in one of the cubicals, I was stood closer to the back.

"How are you?" Percy asked Annabeth.

"I should be asking you that! You're the one in prison" she exclaimed.

Jason suffled to the section over to talk to Piper. I felt awkward standing there so I stepped out and lent against the wall, waiting for Jason and Percy to finish talking with their girlfriends.

"Hey Leo!" Jason called.

I walked over to him, "Yeah?"

He stepped aside to let me talk to Piper.

"Hey Pipes" I said smiling broadly at her.

"Calypso is sorry she couldn't come, she was caught up with her own camp" Piper told me, smiling gently.

"W-what? I wasn't worried about that, I know she's fine, and misses me" I said, trying to brush of my disappointment "I mean who wouldn't miss me?" I joked.

Piper rolled her eyes, "Ok suit yourself Repair boy, I guess that means you don't want to see the letter she wrote for you?" Piper said slyly, holding up an plain white envelope.

"No! I don't mean that! Let me see" I said reaching under the glass for the letter.

"Alright! Back to your cells" a male voice called.

"Thanks Pipes" I said walking away and stuffing the letter in my pocket to read later.

The moment the guard left I flopped onto my mat and opened the letter excitedly.

Dear Leo,
I'm sorry I could not make it, I volunteered to be the decorator for my camps festival. I miss you and look forward to seeing you again.
Love, Cal xoxo

I smiled at the letter and shoved it in the pocket of my prison suit. Rolling over I grab the unfinished lie detector and continue constructing it.

"Alright so our main suspects are, Lance, Darren and Becks" Jason stated.
Percy nodded,

"What about beef head 1 and beef head 2?" I asked, without looking up, "I mean, they could be allies with Lance"


"Great now we have five suspects" Percy sighed.

"We could always try starting rumours" I offered.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

"Well, we could always talk to Jessie and his... friends? Mates? Buddies?... and say we over heard people talking about an item that has been smuggled into the prison, then all we have to do is watch how everyone reacts to it"

"That could work, it's risky but it's all we have" Percy agreed.

"When the we next get let out we can start the rumours" Jason said.
I rubbed my hands together, the way most villans do in movies.

"Dude you look like a house fly" Percy said.

I glared at him, but then started laughing "I would look more like a fly if I had my welding goggles"

Me and Percy joked around for a bit before we settled into silence. I went back to working on the lie detector as Percy and Jason discussed how to spread the rumours.
What felt like hours later the barred doors of our cells all opend.

"Prison food time" Percy said, stretching with a yawn.

Authors note :)
I'm back! Yay, I'm very surprised with the fact that people are reading this, so thank you for that.
Hope you are enjoying the story so far, and feel free to leave any ideas or suggestions
Have a good day :)

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