chapter 10

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Jack's POV

"shit i can believe that Ruben just took off with her what am i going to tell her mother, oh shit her she comes" i talk talking self

" hey jack where winter" winter's mum is looking around

i jump in " i sorry but Ruben has her did you see that car that when the corner, we have to follow it " i say look for the car

i can see winter in the window. how did i let her do it

she start to drive after the car


winter's POV

"hey Ruben you know he will save me. he always will" i say look out the window

we stop at a red light and i try to open the open. they have no idea of what i am about to do.

the light is still red this is my time to get out

i open the door

"good bye Ruben you ........."

i get pulled back by the bodyguard and he put something on mu mouth i try to get it off.

i kick him in the dick. he drop the thing that he tried to put in my mouth.

i open the door back up and the light goes green.

i go fly back into the car.

"ha not this try sweat heart" Ruben say

his bodyguard is anger at me he pick up the rag thing and put some liqud stuff on it and shove it back in to my mouth.

"good night winter" i hear Ruben say

i fall on to his lap and blackout

_______________time lapse to Ruben Place_____________________________

winter's POV

i wake up in a bed. in a room. a bed room. what the hell am i. i look around i think i m in Ruben house.

i try to move my arms and leg. shit their tried down. great could this get any worse. i'v been kidnapped twice now and i not in tied into a bed at Ruben place great.

i hear a knock on the door


Ruben enters the room

" don't worry this will be your new room and home for a while" he said holding a plate of salad that i think is for me.

"i through you would be hunger here" he places the food in front of me

"i am not hunger" i said looking away

" why you should be"

" OK fine i will eat the god dam food just lets both of my hand free" i say looking at my hands

"OK as long as you eat" he unties one hand and then unties the other.

" there now eat" he say while giving a a fork

i take the fork while rubbing my wrist. the rope left a mark on my skin

" hey next time don't ties them so tight. you have to look after me you know"

"oh i know. i know lots of thing about girls don't you worry"

that sounds creepy i wounder if he wasn't watching me sleep. that would be very creepy.

i go to take a mouth full of salad but instead i throw my fork at Ruben.

" probably put some potion in this she i could love you din't you" i say feel around under the blankets for the rope that has been tied to me. i find it and untie it i am free yeah

i lean closer to Ruben he look like am about to kiss him.

he lean closer as soon as he is not to far away i say

" i love you"

he say " love you too winter" he is now about to kiss me

Winter turns to SummerWhere stories live. Discover now