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My heart pounds in my chest as I walk through the halls of my new high school, next to my taller younger brother.

A plaid skirt goes up to above my belly button and down to the mid-section of my thighs. My button white long shirt is unbuttoned by a few buttons at the bottom of the shirt.

My mother makes sure me and my brother look rich before leaving the house, so my designer jewelry and shoes have to be on display.

A silver heart locket lays on my chest, a Dimond heart earring weighs down my ears and a silver watch is on my left wrist.

I was old-time rich as my mother says, I'm not lulu lemon apple watch rich, I'm designer outfits with really expensive jewels rich.

My brother was the opposite. He had on a pair of expensive jeans, and a blue college hoodie. He had a silver chain that lay underneath his hoodie, but not noticeable.

I felt as if everyone was staring at 6 until I was snapped out of my trance by a black-haired girl. "Hey! I'm Maxine and I love your earrings!" She yelped, lacing her arm underneath mine.

A few boys walked up to us as my brother walked into the office. "Yo, I'm Matt, well Press." A boy says, smiling at me. I smile back.

I hate introducing myself. "I'm Zel-" I take a breath. "I'm Zella," I say leaning against a locker. Other people introduce themselves and I just smile and wave.

A girl enters the crowded school looking dead. Groans come from the group. "Look at Ginny throwing her pity party." The black-haired girl named Maxine says.


The bell finally rings, time to go home finally. I walk out with the group of kids I talked to earlier today. I wait until I see my black car.

My mother and father step out, my mother in a tight black dress with a pair of red high heels on and black sunglasses covering her eyes. My father is in black slacks and a casual dress shirt.

Mummers come from the teens. "Who are they?" One teen asks. I look over at them and my parents. "My parents." I sigh and start walking towards them, finding my brother on the way.

I could hear the Press guy whisper. "Makes sense, hot parents make a hot daughter." He says.

My mother says hi with a kiss on the cheek. "My gorgeous daughter and a handsome son." She smiles and takes off her sunglasses. My brother chuckles.

My dad hugs me and whispers in my ear. "How was your first-day sweetheart?" He pulls away. I smile, it wasn't awful, but not the best. "It was good," I say, looking at the kids I was just with.

My dad nods and opens the car door for me, I drop my backpack on the car floor and slide in. My parents get in and my mother begins speaking.

"So, I and your father have a company party tonight so the house is all yours." My brother nods, he'll probably be with his old school friends.

I nod. Okay, I'll probably be doing absolutely nothing like usual. Smoking weed? Probably. I grab a small white box out of my bag and pull out 2 AirPods.

I put on a playlist that an ex-boyfriend made for me. I hated him, not the songs. I see a Snapchat notification pop up on my phone, "theman_press added you as a friend"

I smile and tap on it, and add him back. He texts me.

theman_press: Hey your new girl from school right

zella_faye: yeah! I am, your press, right?

theman_press: The one and only

I giggle at the text but no one notices. I snap him a picture of the side of my face. He snaps back a picture of a bong and him.

He smokes too. I snap back a picture of my exclaimed face with writing saying "you smoke too?" Fuck yeah.

He snaps back a picture of his bong collection with writing saying. "Yeah I couldn't live without weed." I already like this guy.

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