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Instead of us going straight home, Press suggests going to Blue Farm Cafe. I park in the driveway and get out.

Press follows me inside and we sit at a small two-seat table. A girl named Padma walks over to our table and gives Press a small smile.

We order. I order hot chocolate and a croissant and Press gets the same thing. He won't eat the croissant but he'll give it to me.

I sigh. "You didn't meet up with me asshat," I say softly, still smiling at him. He groans and looks me dead in the eye. "I had an asshat teacher babe. Wouldn't let me use the bathroom."

I roll my eyes as we get our stuff. Just then, Marcus walks into the already crowded coffee shop. I wave at him and he returns a tight smile.

I'm very confused. He was just laughing and smiling a few hours ago, now he was acting cold and ignoring me besides that smile. Did I do something wrong?

I look away from him, and shake my head, shaking off the thought of him. Press holds the croissant out in front of my mouth.

I instantly bite into the soft, delicious bread. They had amazing croissants here. Stopping here for breakfast from now on. (sorry dad)


Press gets picked up by one of his stoner friends and I finally get to talk to Marcus. I sit next to him at a table. "Hey," I say.

He looks at me. "What's up." He says coldly. I am an overthinker, I overthink. What the hell did I do wrong? "What did I do wrong? Like your being a douce." I say, regretting it after.

He shakes his head. "Press? Really? You deserve better." He says softly, taking a sip of his coffee right after. His tone was stern and serious.

How did he know what I deserved? Press treated me right and that's what I deserved. "What?" I say, a little laugh added to my voice.

He clears his throat and stares at me. "You deserve someone half-decent, he's going to use you and then throw you away." He says, meaning every word spoken.

I laugh, not on purpose. It was supposed to be an inside laugh, but it wasn't. Oops. "He hasn't even kissed me, Marcus," I say, defending the guy I'm dating.

He just looks down, he looks sad. I like studying people's faces, but he was my favorite. There was so much happening in his eyes and his muscles.

His jaw tightens and he looks up at me. "And once he does, he'll want more. I lost one of my ex-girlfriends to the dick and she ended up getting used like everyone else." He says.

His dark eyes look at both of my eyes. Then they flutter to my lips and back at my eyes. "You don't deserve to be hurt like that Zella. Because you're pretty cool."

And with that, he gets up and walks out. I'm left in I have no clue what this feeling is. Shock? Anger? Confusion? All three? Yeah. All three.


The drive home was both loud and quiet. My music was loud but my loneliness was quiet. When I got home my mother was waiting outside.

Shit. I forgot. The school called my mom. I get out and walk up to her. "I know mom I was irresponsible," I say slightly annoyed.

She shook her head and pushed me slightly into the door. "I don't care, what I do care about is that you dating that, as your brother described, dirtbag boy." She speaks harshly.

My mother was a complicated woman. She liked very few people I hung out with. One is my best friend from my old school Kathrine.

The other was Joshua, my ex-boyfriend who none of my family couldn't let go of. Even though he broke up with me.

They hated everyone else. Why I have no clue but they hated them. I think it's because they didn't want me to go out and have fun "without them."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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