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I and Press have been snapping at each other all day. Finally, he asked me if I wanted to come over, everyone was over there and they wanted me to come to hang out.

I said yes of course, but I wanted to change into something more comfortable. I put on a pair of low-rise jeans and a bedazzled black crop top.

I put on a pair of Air Jordan 1's and grabbed my weed bag. He gave me his address, and we live on the same street so I just walked to his house.

He was standing outside with a beer in his hand. "Zella's here!" He announces, running up to me. He puts his free hand out for me to grab, and of course, I do.

We walk inside and I set my bag on the table. "I hate blunts, carts, a lighter, and some edibles in there." People look shocked.

I guess I did give off the good girl vibe, but I'm 100% not. I'm just rich, and because I'm rich I can get all types of weed. They smile and one of the other guys, Jordan I think grabs a gummy edible.

I sit beside Press and we watch the 'band' rehearse. "New girl! You sing or anything?" One asks, and I freeze. I sing, singing is my passion.

But do I want to be in front of all these people? "Uh, I sing, just a little. I'm not that good." I say standing up. A guy named Brodie grabbed my hand and pulled me up toward him.

"Taylor Swift!" One of the girls yelled and Brodie put on a karaoke version of 'You Belong With Me' for me to follow.

I start singing, and they all stare at me. Do they think I'm bad? I shouldn't have done this. Fuck. They're judging me, aren't they?

Once the song ends my hands are violently shaking. "Holy shit Zella. That was amazing." Press says, apparently shocked. I smile and my hands slow down. "Thanks."


After that, we end up getting so high I think we created a new planet or something. "Did I tell you that I find you extremely hot?" Press asks, laying on my lap.

I smile wider, my mouth hurting from the stretch. "No, but thank you. I also find you really hot." I laugh.

He smiles and closes his eyes. I play with his hair. I've learned more about this kid than I know about my brother. "Wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks.

Now it's my turn to be shocked. "Uh- I mean I guess. Sure." I say back. He pulls me down by my shirt and kisses me. I kiss back, but very confused.


I wake up in his arms, he has an Xbox controller in his hand and a headset on, next to all the guys that were there yesterday.

I groan and sit up. "Hey hot stuff." He says, smirking. I look around, then look at my watch. "Fuck!" I stand up and gather my stuff.

I rush out of the door without even saying bye, my parents are probably so confused. I see all the girls at one of their houses. "Zells!" I run to them.

I'm panicking. I stink of weed. "Anyone have perfume?" I ask putting my bag back onto my back.

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