Chapter six

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Nicholas was now forced to do days of community service as a volunteer worker for the Christmas charity party.

Which he wasn't going to like....

Nicholas walked with holly in the recreation center, he sees everyone helping out, a elderly man was opening a box of decorations, one elderly women was taking out the lights and was untangling it, others decorated with ornaments on the tree and others painted the stage to create a winter wonderland theme.

Holly held a clipboard as she was going through the schedule to see what she can have Nicholas doing.

"Now let's see: ah, you can help bake with the charity bake sale" holly asked him.

"Sorry I Don't cook"

"Ok...oh how about you help feed the homeless in the soup kitchen, they need clothes and food"

"What they can't help themselves" Nicholas insult got everyone glaring at him.

And as much as holly wanted to hit him, she stayed strong and buried her anger.

"Ok how about taking the kids at the orphanage to the ice rink, you got a problem about that too" but she was getting impatient with his attitude and rudeness.

"Oh please whats so great about this holiday"

"What's great about it: everything, it gives you that warm feeling inside"

"It's nothing more then a holiday where you waste all your money"

"You know Nicholas, you don't know it yet but Christmas is the time of year to show love to others, hopefully one day, some one will show you that kind of love for the beastly savage monster you are, now let's have you on shoveling's that?"

"Fine....whatever, whichever gets me out of here faster"

A few minutes later, Nicholas was out in the cold, trying to shovel the snow but he struggles to pull a big batch.

He stops, takes a breath and wipes his head, in a coffee shop, holly was inside with Kelly.

Both girls Laughed as they watched him work.

"You're really gonna take advantage of this aren't you" Kelly asked.

"Oh I'm just getting started, he's finally gonna get what he deserves"

"Whatever you say holly but I think you should try to get a chance to know him" Kelly smirks which got an annoying glacé form holly.

"The only thing I have plan for him is to show him the true meaning of Christmas and maybe...just maybe, he could just smile"

Then when Nicholas pushes too much pressure on the shovel, then he slipped and fell.

"AH" and the snow fell on him, giving him frostbite.

But that was the beginning, for the whole week Nicholas had to suffer.

In the soup kitchen, he was carrying bags of canned food for the homeless.

Holly haded clothes to them while Nicholas gets surrounded by homeless people, he was being creeped out.

Then when he walked 10 dogs, they chased a cat in the snow park.

"AH!!" He screams as They dragged him in the snow down, getting him dirty.

Then when they took the kids to the ice rink, he walks away but he slips on the ice and fell into the pond.

Everyone laughed, pointing at him, he never thought he could be humiliated anymore.

But holly laughed but she felt he's been enough already.

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