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Blair had taken a trip to the local shops to pick up a few things that she needed. As she was wandering around the shop trying to find the cash register, her phone started buzzing in her pocket, she fumbled trying to get it out to see that her mother was calling.

"Hello?" She said into the phone after answering, not expecting to hear from her mother, especially since it had been a couple weeks since her birthday and she hadn't heard anything. "We need to talk about your boyfriend, I saw you posted some photos with him." Her mother said, finishing her sentence as if Blair knew how to reply.

"There's nothing to speak about." Blair said, continuing with her shopping, putting it on the register to have it all scanned so that she could pay.

"What have I always said about relationships to you, especially at such a young age Blair. If you're going to be irresponsible, you know what I will do." Her mother continued.

Blair knew she couldn't plainly tell her mother to be quiet, or end the call, because it would just all end horribly. "No, I don't remember." Blair said, paying for her items "Gracias." She said to the cashier holding the phone slightly away from her face so her mother wouldn't hear.

"We always said that you're too young to be in love? Does that jog your memory?" Her mother said, Blair was too busy to engage properly as she was getting into her car and connecting the call up to the Bluetooth. "Doesn't jog it." She said starting up her car and starting to make the short journey home.

"You're to young to have a boyfriend Blair, me and your father have been doing some talking. We're asking you to either break up with him or we simply refuse to pay you your money for a month." Her mother said, sounding as entitled as she always did. "So I'm too young to have a boyfriend, but not to be shipped off to Andorra involuntarily to look for a house? You can refuse to pay the money, i will get a job. Nothing to worry about." Blair replied, the words that came out of her mothers mouth were once again starting to upset her. "Thank you for being here for my birthday by the way." Blair continued, thinking that if her mother was going to make digs at her she might as well do the same.

"It was only your 19th birthday Blair, we didn't think it was important." Her mother replied.

"Mum. Every birthday is important, it's been a few weeks and you haven't even mentioned it." Blair said, her voice breaking as she spoke through the phone. Her eyes started to tear up, yet she tried to keep it in as she drove the last couple of turns to her house.

"Gosh you are so ungrateful, if only you were more like your brother." Her mother said, the disappointment prominent through the phone.

"You are truly the worst mother anyone could ask for, try treating both your children with the same amount of respect, money isn't an issue." Blair said, hoping that she'd be able to end the call soon.

"Break up with the footballer Blair, we are not asking again. You don't know anything about love, you are a young, reckless child, won't be surprised if you end up pregnant, you seem like the type." Blair's mother said. That was the final straw for Blair, she ended the call, switched off her phone and just burst into tears. Her knees pushed up to her chest, crying into her hands in the drivers seat of her car. Words hurt more than anything, and most of the time they were easy to ignore, however, when they came from your own mother, it was a lot harder.

After a couple minutes she checked her makeup, cleaning up her mascara slightly. Yet it was clear that she has been crying.

She unlocked her door and walked in, hearing some chatter in the living room, assuming Clary was watching tv. "Clary you'd never guess what." She said walking closer to the living room to see both Gavi and Pedri playing a game with Clary. She saw Gavi and her eyes starting tearing up again, reminding her of everything her mother had just said. "It can wait never mind." Blair said smiling to mask the fact it looked as if she was going to cry.

Gavi looked at Blair handing her a controller, "You okay?" He asked, lowering the controller and getting up to go over to her. He pulled her into a hug, "What's up?" He asked, looking slightly down at her. "Just exhausted." Blair lied, pushing her head against his shoulder trying her best not to break out into tears again. "It's nothing compared to you though, you must be exhausted all the time." Blair said changing the conversation trying to make it less about her. "You can't compare exhaustion, everyone gets exhausted beautiful." He said moving the hair from her face and kissing her forehead.

"Do you want to play a game?" Pedri asked pointing at the Mario Kart that was on the screen, Blair shook her head, "I'm good, thank you." She replied.

"We should probably get going for training anyway Pedri." Gavi said, still holding onto Blair. "That's true." Pedri said, giving Clary a quick peck on the lips as he hopped up off the sofa.

"Message me later after I've finished training please." Gavi said, hugging Blair tightly one last time before he and Pedri left.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Clary said as Blair sat on the sofa opposite her. "My mum phoned me." Blair said, pushing her lips into a thin line.

"Oh shit, what did she say? Did she finally wish you a happy birthday?" Clary asked, hoping for a positive answer. However, by the look on Blair's face, Clary knew she wasn't getting a positive answer.

"For starters, she said that a 19th birthday isn't important so she didn't really care. She asked me to break up with Gavi, that I'm a young, reckless child, who knows nothing about love, and that she thinks I'm the type to wind up pregnant. So was a nice little phone call for my drive home." Blair said, holding back any form of sad emotion she wanted to let go of.

Clary's face had fallen to disappointment, she got up from the sofa and without saying anything she hugged Blair. "They don't deserve you." She said.

"Wish I could have lived with my Grandma." Blair continued breaking the hug with Clary, "How was the gaming with the Spanish boys?" Blair asked tidying the living room from the mess they had made. "It was good, you know that Gavi is head over heels for you right? I've never seen someone so in love." Clary said looking at Blair to see if she could catch her friend smiling, in which she did.

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