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Logan's POV

I peek into the living room to see a sleeping Kaylee and Dallas bundled together on the couch. I'm glad to see that she's sleeping, she needs it. She only slept for a few hours at my house. I quietly walk back into the kitchen to find her mom putting together something for dinner, I think pasta. And her dad loading his arms with cleaning supplies.

"Need any help with that, Mr. Walsh?" I ask. He looks at me his eyes bloodshot, I guess Dallas isn't the only one that could use some sleep. "I'm just uh going to clean up her room for her, I hate that she feels like she needs to sleep on the couch." This is pitiful, I haven't seen him look so upset since Luke's death. I wish Luke was here, he was always so good at cheering people up and helping with everything. I just wish someone could've helped him.

"Hey, don't worry I can go do that. I think you should try and get some sleep" I say to him. Mr. Walsh looks at me exhaustion evident on his face, "Oh, I couldn't make you do that" he states. "Please, I don't mind." He nods and pats me on the shoulder mumbling something about me being a good guy. He saunters up the stairs into his room. Leaving me and Mrs. Walsh to ourselves.

"Mrs. Walsh, need any help with anything before I go clean?" She jumps a little, my words taking her out of her own little world. "Oh honey how many times do I have to tell you to call me Nicole?" I drop my head knowing I should have sensed that reply, she is always on me about calling her Nicole.

I have always admired her. She is one of the kindest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. When my mom left when I was in sixth grade, she didn't say goodbye or leave a note. She just packed her things and was gone by the time I woke up. That was the first time I had cried since I was a baby. Crying wasn't some thing that I felt like I couldn't do, my dad had always told me "that crying doesn't make you any less of a man, but more of a person." But something about it just never quite felt right to me. I just didn't enjoy the act of making myself small just because I was sad.

It took hours for me to stop crying that day, that was until Nicole and Jason came to my house. They brought Luke to try and cheer me up, but I wouldn't let him in my room. I didn't want him to see me that way. But who knows maybe if I had, he would've felt more comfortable showing me that he was sad too. Nicole came in and wrapped her motherly arms around me. She told me that it would be okay. And that she would always be there for me, no matter the time, or the day.

"No, honey I'm quite alright. But if you need anything please let me know. I know you have also had a rough go of it these past few days." "I will." I send her a smile and make my way up to Dallas's room.

Her door creaks when I push it open. I stand in the doorway taking in the untouched space. Her sheets are a ruffled mess, slightly pushed off of the bed. Her once white carpet has two blood stains, messing up its once pristine condition. I feel nauseous being in here, but I'm glad its me and not any of them. I start at her carpet, I get on my knees and spray carpet cleaner over the bloody spots. I scrub for about ten minutes and when I sit up to see what progress I have made, I deflate. The once crimson color is now a shade of pink. I think we may have to just replace it entirely. I spray it once more to let it sit, while I start with her bed. I take the bubblegum pink duvet and toss it by her door, I do the same with the pillows, and once I see the sheets I suck in a breath. Slight blood spots sit on her light pink sheets. God I feel sick. I wish I could hit that bastard again, and again, just enough to where he thinks he's going to die but doesn't get that lucky.

I grab the sheets and bundle them up with her duvet. I walk to her laundry room, and use a stain stick on her sheets, then I toss it all in the washer. As I walk back to her room I hear a loud crash coming from her parents room. The door is slightly ajar and I peek in, slightly yelling at myself in my head saying that it is absolutely none of my business. I see shattered glass in pieces and Mr. Walsh on the edge of his bed, head in his hands.

Suddenly he looks to me, I try to move but I'm not fast enough. "Logan, come on in here buddy," I take a step in. The damage is worse than the glass, the curtains have been yanked off their hook, and there's a small hole in the wall beside his bed. "Ugh, sorry you have to see me like this. I've been working on my outbursts in therapy for a few years, I haven't had once since Luke. But all of this shit happening has just sent me over the edge, you know?" I nod. I do know. I practically tore my room apart when Luke died. I never knew this about Mr. Walsh though. He and my father both have a very gentle nature about them, even with their words they are kind.

"Do you need any help cleaning this up, Sir?" I ask. He slowly shakes his head. "Son, I made the mess I can clean it up. Plus I fear we have already taken advantage of all of your kindness today. I wouldn't want to ask any more of you" his southern accent sounds thicker than usual.

I leave and go back to working on Dallas's carpet. I'm yet again on my knees, scrubbing, trying so hard to get this stain out, but nothings working. "Fuck" I mumble to myself. "What are you doing?" Startled I turn around towards the voice. Its Dallas. Fuck.

"Oh hey, I'm just cleaning up for you. Your dad was going to come in here and do it himself, and I didn't know if you would have wanted that. He just seemed tired. So uh yeah." She isn't listening. She is looking around her room, she doesn't seem sad though.

"Your bedding is in the washer right now, it might be ready to be moved here in a minute." "Okay." She is still just standing by the door. My phone rings interrupting the sudden tension in the air. I pick it up and it flashes Big Boy Marco facetiming me, he must've gotten into my phone again and changed his name, bitch.

"What" I grunt. "Lolo baby, why haven't you answered my texts, you know how mommy gets when you ignore him." His face is obnoxiously close to the screen, it reminds me of my grandma using her camera for the first time. I hear Dal stifle a laugh. "Sorry I've been busy, what's up?"

"Are you cheating on me?? I knew it. Who's the slut?" Marco screeches into the speaker. Dallas is clearly finding amusement in this. I go to speak but he yells again. "Who's room is that? lolo bear that looks like a girls room. You are supposed to be at my house right now. Glad to see your whore is more important to you." "I'm at-" cut off again. "Oh I don't care who she is, she can come too. The boys are all over here, don't tell me you forgot our Saturday tradition. Awe, lolo boo bear just get here soon. Mommy misses you. Mwah." Then he hangs up. Dallas is folding over with laughter. My face is flush with embarrassment.

Dal finally contains herself and stifles out a "Awe lolo boo, I didn't mean to hold you here. Go see your mommy." I'm glad she thinks this is funny, because I sure as hell don't. I don't want to leave her side. I know she was talking about she feels like she has this hold on me, but I doubt she realizes that if I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be. I really want to stay here with her, but I feel like she would think its weird since she literally just heard me get invited to my friends. Well, right now 'friend' is a loose term.

I clear my throat, "I'm gonna move your stuff over, then I guess I'll go." Something seems to cross over her eyes, and I think maybe she doesn't want me to go. But she just told me to, I am definitely just reading into things. I stand up and wipe my hands on my shorts. I like how she looks all flustered by my size when were next to each other. "I guess, I'm gonna go" I look down at her. "Yea, I mean it's late anyways. I didn't mean to keep you here all day. Sorry" she apologizes. "Dal, there is no reason to apologize. I told you, if you need me I will be there."



"Can I come?"

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