Chapter 82

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Isabelle Pov

Dasarious babbles to himself the entire way. He chews on his fingers and kicks his blanket out of the stroller twice. His lighthearted attitude is calming and I focus on his actions to distract me. The hallways are mostly empty right now, most of the staff having gone home for the night, but the one or two people we pass in the hallway smile at him and wave their fingers. It is an insignificant occurrence, but it lifts my mood anyway.

The gardens aren't too far from our rooms and I walk quicker than I realize. When I notice where I've lead us, my nerves comes back. I check my watch. Eight minutes early. I pause and kneel down next to Darcy, adjusting his blanket one last time. "Ready, my love." I ask him. "We're going to meet your father now. In just a few moments."

Darcy smiles at me again. I take that as a good sign.

We step through the open gates and instantly I'm met with a rush of floral and earthy scents. This isn't Carmadon's personal gardens, these are open to anyone, but the sight is no less breathtaking. Fountains carved into dancers spew water and crisp red roses are in full bloom. The grass is lush green and the leaves shine like they've been polished.

"It is beautiful isn't it, my love." I say to Darcy as we curve down the smoother paths.

Its quiet and empty. Like the hallways, the gardeners have gone home for the day. It is perfect. The fresh air. The calming atmosphere. I feel my shoulders relax.

My insides jump slightly when I hear a laugh. I immediately know its not Darcy, or even an adults. Another child? I look around and see some few paces off of the path I spot an older couple and a younger man. They crowd around a young child, who can't be much older than Darcy. A girl obviously by her little dress. The older woman watches attentively as the young girl splashes her hand in the fountain water and giggles. The men stand by with amused smirks, the older man, leaning heavily on a cane.

He notices me. I notice the red flush in his cheeks. He notices the silver in mine. The younger man looks up to and is more polite than the older man. He nods tensely once my way. I nod back and continue on my way. Once I'm out of sight, I mutter to myself, "Well, that was awkward."

Darcy gurgles like he agrees.

I spot a stone bench seated away from the paths, mostly shielded from other by bushes. A smaller bird bath trickles water peacefully. "This will have to do, sweetheart." I tell him as I position him by the bench and take a seat. "Here." I take out of his toys and shake it out in front of him.

Darcy looks at the toy in front of him and blinks with disinterest. "No, not interested." I say to him. I place the toy beside him in his stroller. "Just in case you change your mind."

The wind blows gently and I push a stray piece of hair from my face. I look up and see the family leaving the gardens, the young man holding the girl in his arms. Guess we have the place to ourselves. I scan the gardens, looking for Ptolemus. I check my watch. It's exactly 5:30. Maybe he forgot. But even in the own safety of my head that sounds ridiculous. I recall the look in his eyes when I told him about Dasarious. No he wouldn't forget.

I rub Dasarious' foot through his blanket. "Any minute now, my love."

I look up again and my heart jumps in my throat and I almost fall over from my kneeling position. There he is. Rounding the bush. I notice him before he notices us. His eyes flash with relief for a moment as our eyes meet. His purses his lips before his eyes drift to the stroller. He sucks in a quick breath.

I stand up. "Hey."

He walks towards us slowly. Step by step. His eyes are glued to the stroller. His lips part when he hears Darcy babble. "Hey." He replies sounding breathless.

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