chapter 5½ - ???'s POV

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I had FINALLY captured a mermaid. He was unconscious, and it was finally time to run some experiments. I put him in my van and drove to the lab.

Suddenly, in the lab, he woke up.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Shut up, test subject 001."

"Test subject 001? You're not going to... kill me, are you?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Let's see."

I strapped him to the chair, where we would run some experiments.

"Let me go!"

"Ha, never."

"Do I at least get a phone call?"

"This isn't prison, merboy. Now shut up and become a mermaid."

"I can't just become a mermaid, dummy. It's not as easy as 'alakazam, alakazoo, grow a tail'."

"Then if you're not a mermaid, we'll... dispose of you appropriately."


I sent him into the other room, where he would have his memory erased, and he would be let go into the ocean.

How useless.

(139 words)

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