TBTL Chapter 2⃣0⃣

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A photo of our dearest Amber Cole is attached in this chapter. Isn't she lovely? 😍 ahhhhhhhh demn feeling so gay! Anyway, another update is here, my dears 😊 thank you for not ditching and deleting this story in your libraries! I owe you big time 😘 so here is CHAPTER 38 🐷 hope you enjoy this 🐱

👌With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp• Jim Loehr👌

•Chapter 38•

➕Amber POV➕

My world turned upside down. Trepidation. Anger. Hatred.

My blood boiled reaching the zenith of boiling point. My ears can't hear sounds. It seems like my eardrums had just exploded from the pressure of my blood.







3 words. 3 words that kept ringing inside my head.




3 Words.

Now he wanted to meet up and talk? For what? To patch up that father-daughter relationship? After he left me and Mom for no such valid reason or even not a reason I can understand.

After all these years that I prayed to God to not see him again just had not been heard.



My head turned again and saw this guy that had a sick, worrying concern for me. I blinked a few times to make sure fury haven't burned and consumed my eyeballs.

"Cole!" This voice called again.

It seems like my memory had been washed away and just focused on one thing. That one thing.

Dad left us! Dad left us! Dad left me and mom! He left us! He never thought about us.


Anger ate everything of me again, not minding what is happening around me. Not even wondering and caring.

What I care is how to face my dad. If ever I will really see him. Part of me wanted to. Part of me also hated to see his pathetic face.

This jumble of fire is swirling my entire body. Choking me until I cannot contain it.

"Cole! Dammit! Listen to me!" And the owner of the voice shook me violently. Violently that it snapped me back to reality. To reality. Where I am now.

"Oh." Was all I managed to say. The only word that ever came to my mind.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Cole? Dammit! I could have called the hospital because you acting all quiet! Dammit, Cole! You got me worried! Shit!" Sean cussed. And he cusses like I wasn't even in front of this little shit. "Dammit! You fucking shut your mouth, Ricks!" I yelled. Because I was irritated.

"You're making things worse and complicated and I guess you already know that, yes?" I asked and said brutally honest with him. I just can't deal with his worry or concern or this radiating cockiness that I could feel coming.

I am standing in quicksand but this time, even if I'm not struggling to get free and escape, the faster I sink to the bottom and swallowed by the suction.

"I'm complicated. My life is complicated. You are so damn stubborn and I'm worried sick for you, Cole!" Sean softly spoke, a time like now is hard for me and he is there for me, as always.

Sighing deeply, "I'm sorry. It's just-" I stopped. Not knowing what to say next, all of this happenings, bad happenings are flooding back and flashing before my eyes that could make me blind. Blinding and drowning me.

The ambiguity of the situation that is giving me a migraine.

"You should go talk to him," he said like it's not a big deal. The words that leaves an uncomfortable impact to me.

Which is a very humongous deal for me. Lightning hot, painful as having a car accident kind of deal. "We don't know he has a reason for being present all of a sudden?"

And he held my hand.

I sense it, my outburst but I don't know how I should express it, I don't know. I'm trapped. Encased in a bubble that I can't pop.

But I willed myself to get out of my bubble and released the monster in me that has been hiding for years.

With this, my anger swelled up in me again. Rage making my eyesight have red blisters and my whole body almost convulsing because of what Ricks had just said to me. He doesn't know a minute thing about my dad and now he is like protecting or safe guarding my dad? How ironic. All of this, irrational!

My anger swirling faster than a forming hurricane. I am captivated by the anger in me. That renewed feeling.

That freshness for getting the magma out of the volcano. And that volcano is me, Amber Cole.

And I was spewing my volcanic bombs. Lava in one direction.

To Sean Ricks. It's aiming for him. And I don't give a damn anymore. I need it out of me. Out of my system.

"Whatever reason that may be, I wouldn't be there to listen to his petty reason or excuses or faulty reasons. Or maybe he is hoping that I still would give him pity and sympathy with everything he left behind. That everything is us. Me, mom and my sister. He left us for no fucking reason. Even if he explained, I know it would not be valid enough that he could just walk out of our lives like that!" I said as I eviscerated all the fury I've been holding this time.

But he has a point, maybe talking to him would mend some things that I just have misunderstood.

I can't decide.

Pride is eating all the sanity left of me. My ego soaring high and is not looking down again. Especially to my lowly dad, who didn't mind about us.

But a decision has been made, my choice has been made and I pray to God all will go smoothly as I envisioned it in my mind.

I'm going to talk to the man who brought me here, to the man who made me what I am today, full of hatred for the world...

I'll make him regret!


HAHAHAHAH. Cliff- hanger.
Keep voting and reading this book until the end, folks ☺️

By the way, I'm editing the earlier parts of this book, making it longer and added some scenes. If you don't mind, read it again. Love lots ❤️
-Audrey x

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