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"Yeah, lets hope he doesn't die." Rose says.

"Guys, you have been doing tests on kaijus for a while now and have done so many things, stop thinking it won't go well and actually believe in yourselves!" Azure insists.

"Well, wanna know how many times we failed?" Rose asks

"Wanna know how okay it is and how many times you've crested a breakthrough?" Azure snaps back.

The room goes silent.

Rose sighs and walks back over to the screen, pressing all sorts of buttons. Ace looks extremely worried. Azure? She looks so done with everything.


"I wonder what happened to those dumb kaiju hunters. I hope someone killed them." A Carneline says, in a large vent in the ceiling.

"I'm sure they haven't died, they never do. I want to find out what they are doing, anyways." A black panther replies.

Carneline smiles, and turns back to look through the vents to spot Rose.

"When's Jammer and Nightshade gonna come back?" Panther asks

"Dunno, don't care. Well, I do but, y'know.. I'm tryna scope out some dusty Rose fella here." Carneline says. Panther chuckles.

Down below the vents, is Jammer and Nightshade, they are trying to not get attscked by humans. Jammer dodges an attack while trying to hit them back. Nightshade sneaks behind them and cracks their arms really hard. They fall to the floor. Jammer squeals and jumps, but there are more people. They run.

"That was close!" Jammer gasped, up against the wall out of breath.

"Yeah, I guess." Nightshade said. "Didn't that person look familiar?"

"No, not really, why?"


Suddenly lights go out for them, and they wake up somewhere strange..

"Wait, what happened to them?!" Carneline shouts, stomping on the vent to go down. Panther stays and watches her until she gestures to come down with her.

Carneline checks where they came from, Panther looks where they went after that person fell.

"Wait! The human is gone!" Panther points out.

Carneline covers her mouth, and immediately go rushing towards the hallway in which they came from.


"Almost done," Rose says in relief. "What happened to Azure?"

Ace shrugs, until they see Azure walking back in.

"Oh, speak of the devil! This is 99 percent do- Oh!" Ace says as the bar hits 100%

The screen says: "optimizing.." and a whole new bar pops up. Its at 10%. Rose sighs. She looks at everything it has gotten rid of and writes things down.
"What are you doing?" Azure asks, peering over her shoulder with a swoop.

"Just writing down things to change if something goes wrong." Rose says. Azure nods.

Suddenly, it boosts up to 100%, and Ethan is released. He stumbles out of the capsule and itches his eye. He fixes his posture and waves as Ace runs towards him with a hug.

"Hey everyone!" Ethan says, hugging his brother. He then backs away. Suddenly, they all notice something.
"Ethan, your eyes are pink.." Rose says.

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