59) King of Clubs [4]

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"What happens if you violate those rules? Well, none of us knows. At this point, we have all come to understand death, and making rules that put our lives on the line we're no issue."

===Karamu Toshiaki===

– – – – – –

"Ow!" I screamed, crashing to the ground.

The boy behind me laughed, bending down. Tears welled in my eyes, but he grabbed me by the face, pulling my head towards him.

"Hey! Look at me, you baby!"

"Just... Let me go. Please."

"Awww, is little Karamu going to cry?" He asked, leaning into me. "What? Going to cry to your mom? Your dad? Oh wait, I forgot. He left both of you and she killed herself."

I remained silent, rubbing my mouth.

"You're such easy prey." He said, crouching until we were eye-level. "Don't ever fight back. Don't ever—"

I kicked him. He grunted, stumbling backwards. But, in an instant, he regained his balance, and laughed.

"Oh... Haha... You're going to regret that." He said, a sadistic smile spreading on his face. I stuttered, trying to form words as my body shrunk against the ground, but before he could move forward, a rock struck him in the head.

It came from N. She ran up, shoving him to the ground, propping her leg onto his chest. Hanna and Rose followed behind them.

"Harassing people again, Nikira?" Hanna asked, hands in her pockets.

"Try picking on someone your own size for once." N said, grabbing Nikira by the cuff and pulling him up. Rose helped me up, dusting off my shirt.

"Once again, he needs all four of his loser friends to back him up." Nikira spat. "And all five of you make the orphan five."

"Loser friends?" Hanna laughed. "N and Rose can and have beat the shit out of you. You're not worth shit."

"You act like you're a tough bitch, but everyone hates you." Rose said. "Stop letting your insecurities get the better of you and go do something that doesn't waste oxygen."

He remained silent, his chest huffing, before Hideo approached. "Is there a problem here?" He asked.

Nikira looked at him, then back to us. "No... There isn't." He walked away.

"Karamu, got yourself into some trouble again?" Hideo asked.

"It was nothing." I said.

"Stay safe, okay?" He asked, before walking away. "Don't end up getting yourself into something you'll regret later."

"I hate that damn Nikira..." I murmured, turning to them. "But again... You guys came to my defense. Thank you."

"No need." N said, hands in her pockets. "We're all that we have, so we always need to be there for each other, no matter what."

Me and Rose looked at each other, both us nodding.

"Always." I said.

– – – – – –

Time left: 40 min.

Player: 12,000
Ashikaga: 3,300
Chihaya: 4,800
Judumai: 3,700
Aulia: 100
Benkei: 100

Citizen: 34,000
Hideo: 1,750
Karamu: 5,000
Rose: 11,417
Hanna: 1,417
N: 11,417
(It is unknown who obtained the +3,000 Item)

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