Krieg Nightmare

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AN: I own nothing.

Explosions and gunshots echoed across the capital of the Empire.

The Fatherland had fallen from the combined fury of the rest of the human nations on the planet.

As the Empire collapses, the leaders and elite soldiers would follow their nation to the afterlife.

Tanya von Degurechaff, the Devil of the Rhine and spearhead of the 203rd reinforced Aerial Mage Battalion, leaned against the wall of a ruined house. Blood was spewing forth every open wound on her body, like a water balloon pricked by toothpicks.

The rest of her battalion was faring no better. Perhaps a lucky few escaped the capital, but considering their personalities, that was highly unlikely. The 203rd-in her perspective-were fervorous patriots til the very end. Over the years after the creation of the 203rd, Tanya would find it baffling if her squad weren't finding the enemy until they themselves dropped dead.

That didn't matter right now. No amount of complaining could stop Tanya from bleeding out and ease the suffering brought by organ failures.

For now, the pain may be intense, but it would subside as her bodily functions began to shut down. Her fingers were already numb as her vision slowly degraded to the point where she could no longer make out shapes.

Excluding the agony, it was strangely peaceful. A calming warmth washed over her as the last inkling of strength left her mortal body. She had lost too much blood to fear death.

Besides...She knew what lay in the afterlife. In the end, Being X had failed in manipulating and converting her to worship the pile of shit that he was. She had won, and she would enjoy rubbing her victory in Being X's face.

It wasn't long for her senses to fully lose their fertility and the world around her faded into black. And she died.



In the void lacking both light and her senses, Tanya was unsure of her own predicament. She drifted in the absence of pain and away from the cold embrace of a forthcoming death. She felt nothing; she could not experience anything.

Yet, light was still able to be perceived by her non-existent eyes.

A single flash of white light blinded her. In an instant, the entire realm was engulfed by the singular glow. When her eyes readjusted to the new environment, Tanya saw the familiar setting of Being X's domain.

The owner himself was nowhere to be found. The entity's pretentious temper made it unlikely for him to abandon his little game without first announcing his illogical intentions and denouncing Tanya's sensible beliefs.

However, Being X was not here.


The sound of a beast tearing through bone directed Tanya's attention towards her left side. There, on the ground, she found her answer in the form of an eldritch bird creature gorging itself on the flesh of her sworn enemy. At least, what remained of Being X. The entity was bipedal, consisting of various eyes dotted across its chest and its eight arms. In the bits not covered in sensory organs, feathers were present. An extraordinarily large bird beak pecked at the bones of the once self-proclaimed God.

Noticing the new arrival, the creature faced her with a puzzled look.

"What is a little soul such as yourself doing out here?" The voice that escaped its beak echoed the realm in a blur of squawks and TV static. It rubbed its own chin with a talon in thought of its own question.

"You do look oh ever delicious." It gleefully stated and threw the remaining piece of Being X's brain into its jaw. Though the creature made such a declaration, it made no intent to actually consume the soul.

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