Chapter 3 : A Bumpy Run

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The next morning Blue's POV -

I decide to wake up early and go for a quick run!! I surprisingly didn't have work today which was kinda sad.... Ink and Dream were probably gonna be busy like usual so I decided to just try to entertain myself in the meantime.. BUT THAT'S OK!!!!!! IT'LL ALL BE OK!!!!! I'M OK WITH BEING ALONE!!!!! I DON'T NEED ANYONE ELSE I'M HAPPY LIKE THIS!!!!!!!! I-


I let out a scream as I fall to the ground. I look up and see none other then Killer!!! He stared at me with his usual blank stare, I only ever saw him smile during battle. He must really like violence! Maybe I can invite him to work out with me!!!!

"...Have you been.. crying..?"

....!!!! SHOOT I WAS SO CAUGHT UP IN MY OWN THOUGHTS I MUST OF STARTED TO CRY!!!!!!!! FUDGE FUDGE FUDGE- He probably thinks I'm a total loser now....!!!!!! All I can do is deny it and hope he believes it......


I hoped he'd believe me, I believed me. I truly am happy!!! I don't stay awake crying myself to sleep cause I'll never be comparable to my friends!! I don't wish for all of the bad things to get better, cause there are no bad things!!!! I'm happy! I don't wish the buses would hit me while I walk on the street!!! I don't cu-

"..Blue... your crying more...."

Just a few moments earlier Killer's POV -

I was going on a walk because I don't really have much else to do, I could stay inside and be a hermit some more but my therapist said that was "unhealthy"... or something.. I guess the walk was nice, ut was peaceful enough. The stares from everyone around me was annoying though... Yeah stare at me like you know what I've been through.. All you know is what I did.. Uugghh not like I cared, nobody saw me as a real person.. well no one except-


........Him... Everyone except Blue.. Yesterday at work he was so talkative and nice.... He looked at me as if I was just another monster like him or anyone else. It was... amazing.. I wouldn't admit it but I felt happy around him... I can't even remember the last time I felt genuine happiness from another person.. I thought I was ok with the hatred, the rude names, the stuff being thrown at me but.. I guess I wasn't... Blue proved that.. I finally decide to get a good look at him. Drawn on freckles and a rather cute outfit... A blue and white hoodies with a dinosaur on it, some simple dark grey pants, and some blue and white sneakers.. Huh.. He also had lots of accessories and extra jackets, it was odd. I find it cute though. I also noticed.. He'd been crying...?

"...Have you been.. crying..?"

I examined him as he calculated my response.. He first went through a mild look of shock... then dread.. then he wore a big smile.. A big fake smile.


His smile doesn't fade but he cries more.. I wanted to comfort him seeing him so upset physically hurt me.. Why did I feel this way...? I've never felt this way before why him?

"..Blue... your crying more...."

I watched him carefully. Every detail stuck out like a sore thumb.. I thought he was happy but he was crying...? I crouch down to where he was sitting

"..What's wrong with you...? Someone slam your icecream cone out of your hands or something?"

There we go... me being sarcastic when someone needed help.. Uugghhhh I wanted to help but I just couldn't

"..I promise it's nothing Killer... J..Just.... Personal issues I struggle with mwheheheh...!!!!"

I pause for a second and stand up, grabbing Blue's hand and pulling him up aswell

"Do you... wanna join me on my walk...?

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