You are the only ones who know - j.o

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(ever so heavily based on She Drives Me Crazy)

In which you fake date

Listen to: Only Ones Who Know - Arctic Monkeys

You played basketball for your high school, you didn't know if you loved it or hated it. You loved the social part, making friends with schools and competing with others, you loved the feeling of winning the game, of the ball swishing through the net. But, you hated the lack of attention the girls team got, the underappreciation, and also the fact that your ex was now your enemy. The last season you played, it felt like one of the best. You didn't know if it was because of the confidence your ex gave you or if you were just playing good. But she dumped you right before school started, because she was moving.

Albeit, she's a bitch, but you loved her. She wasn't your first love but it fucking felt like it. So, getting dumped felt like your heart was ripped away. You were devastated. But you couldn't let that affect you during school, so you kept your head up despite all the whispers and rumors. You two weren't even that known yet it spread like wildfire.

Enough about your lousy ex and let's get on with the real show. 

Jenna Ortega.

She was one of the most popular girls in the school, she didn't even have to use sports as a leverage. On the outside she seemed bitchy and mean, but she really was a sweet and funny girl. Your ex hated her, you never knew why, but it was like they were rivals, but very much one sided. You didn't really know her, you had talked to her maybe twice throughout your move to this school. The first time was when she accidentally sprayed you in the face at Bath and Body, you didn't even know it was her until she apologized, you brushed it off and smelt like Forever Red. The second time was about a few weeks ago.

You had just lost against your ex, she was all cocky about it. They all acted like they crushed you, it wasn't even a game that was a big deal, the two teams were tied until last minute, won by two points. It was the first few games of the season, you had rough sleep and seeing your ex caught you off your game. While you were in the parking lot, you threw your basketball in the air and you were unable to catch it, it hitting Jenna's car. It didn't cause any bad damage, but it set off the alarm. 

The two of you weren't able to stop it, you didn't want to tinker with her car out in the school parking lot, so you called the towing truck while she called her father. Since you were the straw that broke the camel's back, the camel being Jenna's car, you took fault and drove her to and from school, thank god you didn't live too far apart. Other than the mass attention you got from the school, you found yourself enjoying your time with Jenna, even growing small feelings.

"Thanks for convincing people to actually go to our games." You muttered, avoiding her eyes. "Been helping the team." Since Jenna was showing up to your games more often, more people filled the stands, and the adrenaline worked for the basketball team. This was, what you assumed, was the last day that you were driving Jenna. It had taken quite a bit of time for them to fix her car. Some part of you wanted to think that she was purposefully stalling so that you two could keep riding together and gossiping.

"What do you mean?" She was looking at you, confused. Now, you were confused.

"You know, you've been showing up, and so then people actually started going to our games." 

She had her eyebrows furrowed. "What? No, I though there was always-"

"Please." You cut her off. "The school didn't even know there was a girls basketball team until the beginning of the school year."

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now