Do you know when you're coming back? k.t

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In which you come back home after seven years

Listen to: Reflections - The Neighbourhood

You and your family had been close friends of the Torres' for a long time. Your fathers were friends, so, you grew up Katie. You two were close, conjoined at the hip. At least, until you had to move to a private school in another state. It broke your heart being away from your best friend, but as the years went by, you slowly moved on, the two of you slowly drifted away.

You had gotten busy living your life, captain of the swim team and top student in your school. Even though you were busy, you somehow managed to add in parties to the mix. You and your friends would often post about when you guys would go out and have fun. You and Katie still followed each other, so one tended to stalk from time to time.

You both grew up, very differently, but you're both mature and have changed.

Your dad wanted to move back for your gap year before you start university. You were going to spend part of the year exploring and the other half just staying back in the place that you called home.

Tupac blasted through the speakers as you and your dad bopped to it while on your way back to your old home. He didn't want to sell it, knowing that you'd want to come back at some point. You pulled into the driveway, the feeling of nostalgia secreted from the house. You got out of the car, grabbing your bag from the back.

"There is no way we have new neighbors, they never sold their house, Carlos." You heard the voice of Allison call out as she walked out of the door.

"God, I hope we didn't sell the place." You joked, causing the woman to turn around in shock.

"Y/n! Oh my god." She exclaimed, making you chuckle and open your arms so that she can hug you. She pulled you into a tight hug before pulling back to take a good look at you. "You've grown so much! How many years has it been?" Your dad came from around the corner, greeting Allison as well.

"I think it's been like seven years or something?" You pondered, crossing your arms, a smile still residing on your face.

"What's all the commotion?" Carlos came out of the house as well, seeing that his wife was with two other people. "Martin?"

You let out a laugh seeing the two men reunite and walk off, catching up on the years. You turned back to Allison who's been studying you. "Are you okay?"

"You look so different!" You laughed, shaking your head and looking away as you two walked to their house. "Seriously, last time I saw you, you were so tiny."

"Oh really? I think there's this thing called puberty, and it changes people." You pretended to gasp in shock, making the older woman sarcastically laugh. "How are the kids?"

"Grown up," You nodded, opening the door for her. "What a gentlewoman!"

"Mom, who are you talking to?" You heard a voice round the corner. "Y/n?"

"Ellie!" You exclaimed, she let out a squeal running into your arms for a hug. You lifted her up, although she's heavier, you were still able to do it. "God, you've gotten bigger."

"So have you! How long are you back for?" She asked, her head tilting to the side, similarly to how she used to when she was a lot younger. You pursed your lips then shrugged.

"Not too sure, Els, kinda just wanna be here 'till I wanna start exploring." You explained, dropping your bag onto a bench nearby. You saw a boy walking down the stairs. "Nando?"

He turned at the sound of his name. "Y/n, hey!" His voice cracked, making you wince and lean towards Ellie.

"Is he going through his voice crack phase?" You whispered as he jogged to you.

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now