You acting like it's somebody you don't know - p.a

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In which you pick between the blonde who's been there since you were kids, your first love, or the new brunette who stole your heart within minutes of meeting

Listen to: Trust Issues - Drake

You and Cole have been friends since you two were kids. Naturally, you knew all about his little crush on Melanie. What he didn't know was that you had one too. You kept it from him, you couldn't let that get in between the two of you at all.

So, when Melanie kissed you for the first time, you kept it from Cole. You both kept your secret "relationship" to yourselves.

Although, it was never a relationship.

You had fallen in love with the girl, while she just liked your attention and Cole's attention. She played around with you, breaking your heart numerous times. But you couldn't help yourself, you were addicted to this relationship.

It's still going on now, you three are in senior year. Your relationship with Melanie went from her teasing around, to her kissing you and having sex with you, yet not doing anything to make it official. You and Cole are still close as hell, him being oblivious to you and Melanie. He didn't notice how in class, you'd stare at her, and she would make a face, just to you. He didn't notice how you'd flush, looking away from her.

That was all until a new student came by.

Your teacher kept on droning on and on, you weren't paying much attention. You kept your eyes on your pencil as you played with it.

What had finally caught your attention was a knock on the door.

In walked a girl with a short dress and a green cardigan. She had pink heart sunglasses and her hair was done up. She was absolutely beautiful.

Your eyes were trained on her as the principle introduced her, you were basically hypnotized by this girl. You didn't even notice the small glare Melanie had when she looked at you. You shifted in your seat upon hearing her name.

Phoebe Atwell.

You finally broke your stare on the girl when you heard Cole start to roar. You glanced at him before letting out a loud snicker, you were also the only one who hadn't roared with the class. This had caught Phoebe's attention, you were amused at the embarrassing gesture.

"So, Phoebe, tell us three things about yourself." You had caught onto this, you leaned forward, resting your head on your hand. Phoebe kept her eyes on you, you didn't see this due to her sunglasses covering her eyes.

"Well, I think snakes are the most misunderstood reptiles." She started, almost smiling when your eyes widened. "My favorite movie vacillates between Deliverance or anything by Bob Reiner." You made another face at her interesting choice of words. "And I'm late."

"What are you talking about, you're right on time!"

"Oh no, Principle Highbridge. My period!" She clarified, taking off her sunglasses. You let out another snicker at the obvious uncomfortable vibes within the class. "I'm nine days late." You had to bite your inner cheek to not laugh, and looked away. You had finally looked at Melanie, who had an unimpressed face, both at you and at Phoebe.

"Oh!" The principle exclaimed, clearly uncomfortable.

You made eye contact with the girl, making you flush, but you still had that amused smile. "And God damnit, I was on the fence about it, but I think I might keep it now." She glanced towards Melanie who was staring daggers at both you and her. "Because looking at all of your beautiful faces, I'm just so overcome with optimism for our future." She put a hand to her chest. "I just wanna fucking scream."

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now