~The Panther Treasures the Cat

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A/N : I don't own Kuroko no Basuke. (But if can I would make all OTPs go Canon) All rights go to Mr. Tadatoshi Fujimaki :) // Salutes!

Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic

~The Panther Treasures the Cat

"It's been a long time Kato-chaaan!" the greenette said as he hugged the kinpatsu who hugged him back. Aomine looked at the boy who was wearing the red colored blazer of Fukuda Soga which was where his arch enemy Haizaki Shogo was studying at. He glared at the boy as he saw how he and Kato were very much close to each other. It wasn't typically reasonable for someone to barge in onto someone's practice time especially if it was a rival school to begin with.

"Aominechii! Meet Haizaki Shori. He's the adopted brother of Haizaki Shogo who is the same age as him." Kato introduced the greenette to Aomine who immediately glared at the boy. So, he was the same as that Haizaki. Looks like life is going to be rougher with him around, and if he is going to be sticking to the girl who claimed to be his soul mate then this was going to be like dealing with a challenge like finding the needle in a haystack. Something he liked to conquer.

"Nice to meet you.." Aomine said as he was sizing up the greenette who was a tad bit shorter than him. He had piercing olive green eyes and he looked to see that a red transparent string was connected to his pinky finger. He was looking for the other end and he saw something that irritated him to no end. The string related to Kato's pinky finger. Was she lying when she said that he was her soul mate?

"Nice to meet yah too!" Shori said as he shook hands with the tanned man. It wasn't every day that he got to meet his idol in the basketball world. He looked up to see the sweat running down the bluenette's face, the piercing glare that those blue eyes were giving him, as well as the short cut blue hair that he had.

"You're very athletic, aren't you? Well! That's what I would expect from my idol!" Shori said as he suddenly hugged the tanned man and tackled him to the ground earning him some dumbfounded expressions as well as a shocked and irritated Kato. She suddenly kicked him off Aomine and grasped the bluenette's wrist.

"Do not. I repeat! Do not touch this guy. He's mine!!" Kato glared at the greenette who stood up from being kicked onto the floor. It was something new to Aomine. The girl never really did show how much she cared for the bluenette and now was the time she did, and it made him feel so happy.

"Oh, come on Kato. You know how much I've been in love with that guy!" Shori proudly stated to them all making Kato kick him again and on the face. Shori immediately fainted after that death-defying kick from Kato and was dragged to the corner by the girl. Aomine was frozen stiff. This was the first time someone had confessed to him in front of everyone. And it was a gay person

"Do not touch him or come near him. I will kill you Shori.." Kato threatened the boy and he just chuckled.

"He's one heck of a hunk my little Kato. I think I'm falling in love all over again! Can't I just taste him? Just once?" Shori said as he licked his lips seductively at Aomine who shivered in what you would call disgust.

(A/N : Don't get offended my gay people I love you guys. I just don't want people saying I hate gays and Im just following Aomine's personality of loving big boobed girls and whatnot..)

"No. Shori I'm warning you right now. I'll kill you.." She threatened and he looked at her pinky finger suddenly smirking like a madman.

"You're repeating everything Kato.. In the past. Everything is happening all over again.. Who are you going to give up now? Cut the string and see what the result will be of your choice. Either way you'd end up unhappy with either one.." He smirked as Kato's eyes widened. She knew that Shori could see the red strings and she should have hidden it from him. Her heart clenched as she took in all the words he just said. It was true. Everything was repeating itself all over again.

"Also.. Remember Kato.. I get what I want.." Shori said as he lifted the girl's hand and lightly kissed her pinky finger with the red strings. Suddenly, Shori was pulled away from her and her eyes were covered with a black jersey. That's when she inhaled the scent of a man, of the man she wanted so bad.

"I don't care what relationship you have had with her but do not make her cry again. Or else I will rip you to shreds you little piece of shxt." His voice was like music to her ears as he hugged her tightly. She clenched onto his shirt as the tears fell on her cheeks splashing all over it.

"A-Aominechii.." she muttered as she heard Shori laughed. Aomine glared at the boy who smirked at him, observing him through those olive-green eyes.

"Is he the one you're going to choose Kato? If so, then I bid you good luck and have fun!" He said as he turned on his heel and walked away waving to them. Aomine waited for the said boy to disappear before slowly releasing the girl that clung onto his shirt. He hated that Haizaki Shogo already, now he was hating this Haizaki Shori.

"Are you okay Kato?" Aomine asked as he wiped away the tears that flowed down her cheek and Kato nodded.

"I'm fine Aominechii.. I'm fine.." she said as she sniffled and wiped all the tears.

"Notice how sweet they are together? Right Coach Imayoshi?" Momoi commented and Imayoshi just kept quiet. He was keeping quiet but inside he was getting angrier by the second. He didn't know why he was feeling the way he did but it was something that he felt was unavoidable.

"Enough with the PDA-ing! Go back to practice!" Momoi jumped as soon as Imayoshi shouted those words.

"Aomine twenty laps around the court. You first years practice your dribbling with the other second and third years! And Kato! Come with me!" Imayoshi said and even though Aomine was too lazy, he had promised the blonde girl that he would practice even just a little, so he begins jogging around the court making all the first years as well as the third years shocked at the bluenette's change of heart. He was never this compliant with practice regimes that had been given to him but ever since Kato came into the team, their ace became more.. reasonable to train with.


"What is it Coach Imayoshi?" Kato asked when they were inside the coach's office. Since Imayoshi was just a substitute coach for Too's real coach, he was given access to the coach's office.

"Stop going near Aomine. I command you to do so.." Imayoshi said in a calm tone and Kato was irked. He wasn't his lover nor was she his.

"You don't have the right to tell me what I can do and cannot do Coach Imayoshi" Kato said as she looked at Imayoshi with a piercing glance that would make most scaredy-cats back away immediately. Imayoshi smirked and went near the girl pinning her against the wall.

"Well now.. I have a small fairy that told me something very interesting" Imayoshi said as she showed something which made Kato regret stepping onto Too Gakuen. Shori was right..

Everything was being repeated..


"Kato!" Aomine called out to the blonde as she was walking towards them all. She looked up and suddenly turned on her heel and ran outside.

"I-I'm going to get drinks Coach Imayoshi!" Kato said as she immediately avoided the bluenette which made them all confused. Why was the yellow-head avoiding the bluenette?

'I'm sorry Aominechii..' Kato said inside her mind as she ran towards the vending machine. She punched the wall hard and sat on the floor tears were flowing from her eyes. Her heart clenched at the thought of leaving the bluenette but because of that issue, she had to. She needed to.. She didn't want the bluenette to get any more involved than he already was.

'Kato, I will come find you and kill you.. Just you wait my little kitten!'

She covered her ears wanting the voices at the back of her mind disappear. She just wanted to forget it all. Everything. Everything that has happened, and everything that will happen.

"I'm sorry Aominechii.." She said as she pulled the string that was connecting her and Aomine's finger and finally snapping it into two..


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