~Coming and Leaving... A Cycle

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~Coming and Leaving... A Cycle

"Nee.. Tetsuya.. What are we supposed to do here? We are not even playing and I'm getting bored.." Kagura said while playing with the hem of her shirt looking both sides almost like she was looking for something.. Or someone.

"Oh shush sis.. You'll see why we're here.." Kuroko said as she scanned the stands for Aomine, the game was already coming to an end as Amakusa and Kise tandem had went against the Minamoto and Murasakibara tandem, Yosen vs. Kaijo for the finals and since both Rakuzan and Seirin didn't enter this year nobody was really sure who would win this cup.

"But.. It's so boring here. I want to play.." Kagura said her arms still fidgeting the hem of her shirt, making Kuroko take notice of the action, almost smiling to himself. Noticing the same way, he was like that whenever he couldn't play for just one game. They really were twins after all.

"Kuroko?" a voice cold yet commanding called for Kuroko's attention and he looked to see his best friend/rival/someone who had hurt Kagura look at him his eyes telling him to go. It wasn't a request. It was an order.

"She's already there." Akashi said while not looking at Kuroko but instead was looking at the teal head beside the other teal head. She was trying her best not to look up at the red-head. Then she felt a slight nudge coming from her side, knowing full well that it was her brother.

"Go on. You both need to talk." Kuroko said before vacating his seat, letting the red head seat beside Kagura, she looked at her brother looking for help but he just shook his head to set off for his own journey.

"So.. Can we talk? Not here? Somewhere private?" Akashi asked almost stuttering in his words but Kagura stood her ground. She wasn't going to let the red head get his way. She was done with his tricks.

"What? No. Sorry. I'm busy." Kagura said while standing up to his seat but the ending buzzer had sounded, and all of the fans had stood up due to Amakusa hitting a buzzer beater making Kaijo win this year's Inter High. Kagura lost her balance and fell on Akashi's lap making her blush fifty shades of red.

"Kagura.. I love you.." Akashi whispered to her before helping her stand upright and walking away from her leaving her dumbfounded.

He was in love with her..

But how can he love someone like her?

She was.... Broken.


"Aomine-kun!" Kuroko called for the tanned male and he smiled widely at the pale boy.

"Go get her Tetsu." Aomine said while patting Kuroko's back and he just smiled at him, bowing down and thanking the tanned male for all his help. He made his way to the empty classroom located in the school of Yosen where the games were being held. Looking around at first, he saw no one was there but once he looked at the window, her soft features had invaded his senses.

"Asakura.." breathing out her name was like a blessing to his lips. So, pure, yet at the same time he wanted to taint them.

"Tetsuya.." Asakura whispered before stumbling against the desks that were blocking her way as she and Kuroko met halfway as she hugged him ever so tight, her hands going around his neck, while his hands snaked around her waist pulling their body closer. Asakura resting her face on the crook of Kuroko's neck as Kuroko snuggled against her inhaling her sweet strawberry scent.

He loved her.

He really did.

"I love you.. Tetsuya" Asakura said as she snuggled closer to the teal head and both laughed.

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