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"I love you Kagura and that's not going to change in a million years," Akashi said and finally before hesitating a bit, slowly lowered his head to kiss her pink, plump lips. Kagura's eyes fluttered shut as millions of sparks flew around her stomach and she felt more alive than she ever will be.

"I love you too. Sei-kun" Kagura said and they held hands and excited the cemetery towards Akashi's car.


"You. You are Kato's soulmate. Why did you do this?! Why couldn't she remember you?!" Asakura said while straining against the chains that tied her.

"Ohh you know. Bending someone's will to become my own is something I do best" Imayoshi said while clapping and a light shone on the other side where they saw Kato tied up almost completely naked except for a large shirt covering her.

"What have you done?!" Asakura said while tears pricked the back of her eyes from the state, they were in. It's happening all over again. Nobody is going to save them again.


"Kato! Open up!" Aomine said while banging on the door of Kato's house. He wanted to apologize to the girl, to love her more than he has loved anyone. It hurt him to see the pain in her eyes, it was a huge misunderstanding. He was going to buy a ring for her... For her to shine like the brightest star...




"Hello?" Kuroko said over the line and he heard a sob. It was Asakura. He was currently talking to Asakura!

"Asakura?" Kuroko asked making the others turn his way. Kuroko almost wanted to jump into the screen of his phone as he heard the muffled sobs the other line was giving.

"Help me..." Asakura silently pleaded before the call got cut. Kuroko almost felt at ease but at the same time worried that wherever they were they might not be able to get them back. Akashi immediately took Kuroko's phone and tracked down the signal where the call came from.


Asakura fell to her knees as they waited for someone, anyone to find them. Her tears dropped when she heard Kuroko's voice. She couldn't decide whether to be happy or to be afraid. She just killed someone again... She didn't want that... But Shiyue... was a part of her... something that she can never remove from who she is.

But she didn't know if Kuroko would be so willing to accept her if she knew this part of her.

"It's going to be okay, Shizue-chan... You'll be fine... I know my brother. He'll accept you... I'm sure of that..." Tetsuki said before taking her former captain's hand and held it tightly. Asakura never was surprised at how this teal head could calm her down instantly.


"Hurry, we might lose them!" Akashi said when they've already tracked the signal that they were looking for and set out on their journey. He had Tanaka follow the signal while the others crowded behind them. They tried calling the same number that Asakura used to call them, but they didn't receive any answer.

"Shit... We can't lose them..." Aomine said as they sped through the night. They turned on the radio for the local news and was shocked to hear Matsushima's voice making an announcement.

"Hello, citizens of Japan. I'm Matsushima Akiko, your new Prime Minister. Currently speaking we are in a state of calm and a very thriving era. Here's the thing though, one thing might ruin this state of ours. I ask you all to support the disbandment of the Mixed Gender Basketball Era. I know this would mean losing publicity, even for me as part of the Generation of Gods. But I'm getting reports that people and schools are getting into a heap of trouble because of multiple accounts of sexual assault, harassment, and defamation of some schools. Not only will we lose face on our education system, but we will also lose more publicity regarding our beloved Japanese culture. So, I ask this of you, all of you to support this deal to ensure the future of Japan!" Matsushima had announced before ending the broadcast with a short commercial. Akashi and the others had their eyes wide open.

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