18-{Bleeding Hearts!❣️}

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Ishan's Pov

We had finally landed in Goa and Shriya had been just getting all excited about how this was our first trip together and with just the two of us! It was already pretty late when we reached the hotel and Shriya turned to me with a tired face as she came back after taking her room's card while we were standing in the hotel's lobby.

"Shall we?" Shriya asked me and I looked at her as I asked, "Okay so I guess....you only booked one room as you did not know that I was coming!"

"You...want a....separate room?" Shriya asked me with a confused look on her face and I just shrugged my shoulders while giving her an innocent look as I asked, "So you want to stay in the same room.....what have you been planning to do with me?"

"Excuse me! Why...would I...think anything like that?" Shriya said while looking here and there as she was blushing right now, I just chuckled at her reaction as I kept my hand around her shoulders saying, "Look at you blush when I was just joking!"

"I hate you!" Shriya said while hitting my arm as she started walking towards the elevator while I just laughed as I said from behind, "Oh are you sure about that?"

We finally went in our room and Shriya went to the bathroom to freshen up while I just sighed laying down on the bed looking up at the ceiling while my mind once again went into the thoughts of how the things had went over the last few months ever since we started this game of pretend! Everything was going smooth until the moment my heart started telling me otherwise.....about how I actually felt!

Shriya had been a constant around me for these few months and I wouldn't be lying if I say that it's pretty hard not to fall for her because she's just someone so beautiful inside out! She makes everyhthing around you seem mesmerizing in its own way and makes your world better than ever.

And right now after all that had happened I am so much genuinely in love with her that I can't even explain in words......but there was also this guilt hidden somewhere deep inisde me which kept telling me that however much I try to save her.....I might be the one who ends up hurting her the most in the end.

And that thought always scared the shit out of me!

"What are you thinking about so seriously?" Shriya asked me coming out of the bathroom and I looked at her coming out of my thoughts as I immediately got up and went upto her. She kept looking at me when the next moment I hugged her.

"Is everything okay?" She asked me while hugging me back and I just hugged her tighter as I said, "Absolutely....Can't I even hug my girlfriend?"

"Ofcourse you can! You can even do this!" Shriya said as she pulled back and kissed my cheek and I smiled while I pecked on her lips saying, "And this!"

"Ishan.....you know you can share anything with me right? I'll always listen to you....anytime you want me to! I'll always be there for you!" Shriya said while caressing my cheek with her hand and I smiled slightly while looking straight into her eyes as sometimes I considered telling her the truth about how all this had started but then always contemplate about it because I was scared to lose her.

"Promise me that you'll give me a chance to explain myself if I ever hurt you.....not that I'm going to hurt you or something but just......by chance....if I ever hurt your feelings let me explain and then you can take any decision you want!" I said while holding her close while she looked at my face trying to understand whatever I was asking her, "I know....that you'll never do anything that hurts me....you know why?"

"Why?" I asked her slowly and she spoke up while joining her forehead with mine, "Beacuse I know.... anything that hurts me will hurt you more....and if you still want my promise! Then okay....I'll give you a chance to explain if something ever happens" Shriya said and I gave a small smile while nodding my head as I said, "Thank you.....and also I love you!

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