Both elected

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This chapter contains inspiration and some of the parts from the leaked scenes of 'Adoration'


It was only two days ago when Adrien sang his little song to Marinette, I was feeling a bit tangled in what Luka told me about not bottling my feelings for her. 

But I quickly stopped thinking of all that since both of the 9th and 8th graders are getting together at the library to have a disscusion about a party for the end of the school year,  which im really looking forward to it sounds fun and probably better than my last school in New York and only the class representatives were going to be teamed up to plan the party which meant Marinette and me were going to plan it.

As Principle Damocles speaks and explains the party expectation and the date of the party he then asks for the class representatives and Mari and I raise our hands and look at eachother.

 I was so happy! Marinette looks at me with a smile on her face and I sarelovingly at her then look back at the principle "Congratulations! As this years class representatives you two will organize the en of shool year part. We expect you to make an exelent job,we'll meet with you both in two days to see what you have planned,  surprise us!" Our classes get dissmised so we can go to our next class. 

Before I leave the school library Marinette comes up to me "Hey Zoé! Because we get to plan the party you can come to my house today and we can start sharing ideas for it with me if its okay with you. " She happily exclaimed and I smile "YES!- I mean yes, yes we can start at 4:00?" I said that too loud.. "Can it be a smaaaall bit later? I have a date with Adrien this evening." I was saddened by that a bit but i still managed to be exited thanks to my acting skills "Ofcourse! is 6:30 alright then?" She nods "Perfect! see you then, Zoé." I waved goodbye at Marinette when she left to her class and then I did the same. 

During the rest of the day I couldn't wait to go to her house and talk to her. 'Maybe its good if I listen to Luka confess to her right? I know she's dating adrien but she has to know.. ' I think to myself and worry. "Miss Lee! Stop daydreaming and pay attention!" Miss Mandeleiev screams at me and i come back to my senses. "Sorry.." I attempted to pay more attention to class.

It was finally after school but it was still 3 hours until I had to go to Marinette's and i was bored out of my mind. It was pretty annoying getting to my room at Le Grand Paris Hotel, I have to take the staff elevator since my dear half sister Chloe wants nothing to do with me and doesnt want to see me taking the same elevator she does. But after I got to my room I decided to write down some ideas to tell Marinette and see what she thinks about them.

I had managed to fall asleep and woke up to a call from Marinette almost 20 minutes after our set time. "Finally! Zoé, are you alright ? I called you 4 times." She sounded worried on the phone "Im sorry Marinette.. I fell asleep I'll be there soon!" Marinette sounds relieved and i hang up. 

I grabbed my notebook and run out the building. As I arrived to her bakery and her parents meet me "Hello dear Marinette told me you would be here soon" Her mother kindly told me and I head upstairs to Marinettes room and knock on her trapdoor. "Come in Zoé !" I entered to see her organizing her desk. "Im so sorry for being late, how was your date with Adrien though?" It pained me a little to ask that but I was genuinely curious about it.


This was pretty much my interpretation of the episode since I don't know what actually happens due to it not being aired yet so when it comes out it will probably be different than this. I have no idea what to do next so i'm going to wait until the episode comes out to continue writing because I want it to be as accurate as i can get with more interesting zoenette stuff. 

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