Organizing a party

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I signal Zoé to sit next to on my chaise and start reassuring her not to worry about being late "Oh don't worry its fine, really! And my date was nice.. until the end when me and Adrien were about to kiss, he backed away and said he had to leave im assuming he saw his father watching us and backed away. " That was a lot to explain but I realised Zoe was not paying attention and looking all around my room. 

"Is something wrong? " I say with a puzzled expresion "No, I never realized how gorgeous your room is. " She said sweetly "Ofcourse! I forgot ive never given you a proper tour of my room!" I stand up and take her hand and show her around "Thats the side of my desk where I do my homework." "On that side is my mannequin where i put the chlothes i sow" 

Still holding her hand we walk to the other side of my desk where I let go of her hand to spin on my chair and say " And this is my creative workshop! Where all of my fabric, sewing machine and inspiration is!" Zoé then grabs my sketch book and flips through the pages and sees my dress for the dance "Wow this is beautiful, Marinette" I was very grateful at her words and blush at her complement. "Oh thanks! Ofcourse, its just a sketch of the dress I'd like to make for the dance but y'know" 

I smile and then she laughs and says "Yea... Oh wait! I have some ideas I wrote down earlier for the end-of-school-year party." At her exited words, I realize we needed to continue planning for the party, the principle was really counting on us. But to be honest I didn't really feel like doing that, I wanted to get to know her better. I just decided to go with it since it was our responsability "Sure but why don't we go up to my balcony I kinda like it better than being here inside." I quickly get up and as soon as Zoé nods a yes I guide her up the stairs to my bed and to the trapdoor leading to my balcony. 

I help Zoe get onto the balcony and she quickly says something "Wow Its pretty seeing the sunset from up here" She said as she gets closer to the rails. "Thanks, but it probably looks better from your room at the hotel." I say and sit on the floor. Zoe turns and sits infront of me. 

"So what do you think we should do? " Zoé asks me "Well I was thinking we could ask your  step father If we could do the party at the top of the Eiffel tower. It would be so nice to have the party here! I mean, maybe its not a good idea if your not comfortable with asking your step father-the mayor of paris." "No its fine! thats a great idea! we can ask him and continue talking at my house if you want. " Her offer was sweet and I foolishly said yes.


I beg someone give me ideas for the next chapters I don't like posting short chapters

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