Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to @graceforbes Because I was having a really crappy day and when I saw her comment on my profile it like made my day! Plus she added this book to her reading list x) I've decided that Jenna Mcdougall (sorry if it's spelled wrong) from Tonight Alive will be playing Bianca! (:

Oh and make sure to read my little message at the end :3

Chapter 5


I woke up feeling a large weight on me. I smiled as I remembered Vic slept over. He was spooning me from behind and his eyes were wrapped tightly around me. I turned over slowly so I was facing him and I saw him laying there snoring softly with his mouth open slightly. He looked so cute I couldn't help but lay there and smile. I know it sounds creepy, but if you had this beautiful, nice, and smart guy laying next to you, you would do the same. I untangled myself from his arms and walked to the bathroom that was connected to my room. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and walked back out. I saw Vic sitting up running his hands through his hair.

"Good morning" he said while yawning. I walked to the bed and sat next to him.

"Good morning" I said back.

"Do you have any plans today?" he asked me.

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"Well me and the guys were gonna go to this carnival near our house and hang out today. Wanna come?" he asked with an eager smile.

"Yeah that sounds awesome! The girls are going to right?" I asked not wanting to be the only girl.

"Yeah, I think so. Sindiee is going for sure, and Jaime is probably gonna-" he was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Bianca?" my mom called out. I turned and looked at Vic and he was starring at my door with wide eyes.

"Yeah mom?" I called back out.

"Come downstairs. Your aunt and cousin are here." she said and I heard her walk away.

Thank god she didn't ask to come in! I turned and looked at Vic. How the hell am I gonna sneak him out of here without anyone seeing. He got up and put his shoes on and his beanie.

"I have to think of a way to get you out of here."

He shook his head, "I'll just jump out the window" he said as if it was nothing and started towards my window.

"No, Vic, just wait I'll think of some-"

"Dont worry, it's only like 6 feet." he said reassuringly. He opened my window wide, took out his phone and looked at me. "I'll be here at 1, so you have an hour to get ready." he pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.

"Bye Vic. I'm sorry you have to do this." I said while grimacing. I didn't want him to get hurt or anything.

"Don't worry" he said smiling. "See you soon" and with that he jumped out of my window. I looked out to see if he was okay and he was. He walked towards his car and drove away.

I sighed and closed my window and walked out of my room to go see my aunt and cousin. They were all in the living room drink Iced Tea and talking about my moms new couch. My mom was all dressed up in her nicest clothes and jewelry. I hate when she does this. She always tries to act like she's better than everyone else and looks down in them if their not wearing brand name clothing or real diamonds. But I hate it even more, because she started doing this when she and my dad broke up. She turned and looked at me and her eyes literally almost popped out of her head.

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