Chapter 83 Found

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Ye Zhi's expression was too eager, even though Yu didn't understand why, he still took him to the cellar of his home.

This is the cellar that almost every household in the Black Soil Mountains builds. Instead of digging into the ground, a 20-meter-long hole is opened at the mountain pass. No matter how hot it is outside, the inside can be cooled to only a dozen degrees, which can be used for Store some food.

"It's too cold here, it's not good for a pregnant woman to stay for a long time." When Yu came in, he found a blanket for him to wrap him up, "I'll pick you up if there's nothing unusual in two hours, okay?"

Ye Zhi nodded in panic, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and he didn't calm down until Yu went out to close the door.

That plane has the number of the central city, and it is a special plane for government personnel. Could it be Huo Youqiao?

Ye Zhi hoped not, he didn't want Huo Youqiao to find him at all, even though he missed him crazily in his heart, and he missed him in his dreams, but he still hoped that he would not come.

"Don't look for me, it will ruin you..." Ye Zhi grabbed the blanket on his body, and the place where he was sitting was a wooden chair, which was also specially brought by Shi Yu for him when he came in. He was curled up with his forehead on his knees, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't calm down no matter what.

He went through the divorce procedure with Huo Youcheng very quickly, and no one else in the Huo family knew about it. Before he left, he lied to Huo Youqiao, saying that he would not contact him for the time being, and then he abandoned everything, only packed a little luggage and left that land.

After that, every day was suffering, but the farther away from Huoyou bridge, the more comfort I felt, because it meant "safety".

As long as he leaves, Huo Youcheng will not announce everything. In that case, Huo Youqiao won't have to be stained with any stains because of this relationship.

The cave is dark and cold, and water is still dripping slowly on the stone wall. Because there are no windows, except for a little light that can penetrate through the cracks in the door, the rest is dark. Ye Zhi tossed and turned anxiously in the darkness, until after an unknown amount of time, the small wooden door was opened and someone came in.

Ye Zhi raised his head, and the man came in with the light behind his back, making him unable to see his face clearly. The "Uncle" that he was going to call was pressed under his tongue, and he couldn't say anything, because he observed carefully and realized that the person who came in was not feather.

It was too dark inside, and even if the door was opened, it could only illuminate a place two or three meters away inside the cave, and only blurry shadows could be seen when entering again. The man walked slowly, as if searching for something. Because he was too tall, he had to bend his waist slightly, and his feet made dull noises on the muddy ground. With each sound, he took a step closer to Ye Zhi.

Ye Zhi hid in the innermost place. It was not the harvest season. There were not many things in the cellar, and there was nothing big enough to cover his figure. It reached its peak when there was a familiar smell, and then I couldn't bear it anymore and stood up and wanted to hide in a deeper place.

As soon as he moved, the man's footsteps suddenly sped up, and when Ye Zhi kicked something and was about to trip over, he hugged his back in time and held him tightly in his arms.

Then he said in a low, ear-warming magnetic voice, "I finally found you, Zhizhi."

Unable to deceive himself and others, being hugged too tightly and unable to break free, Ye Zhi was on the verge of collapse, the tears that he had endured for a long time finally gushed out of his eyes, and his tone was full of sadness: " still want to find me? We are clearly separated It's the best choice..."

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