I did it for love.

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Where are you people coming from?? There's already like, a hundred of you people-

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⚠️ : Murder, torture, lots and lots of blood, gore

Song : One more hour - Tame Impala

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He stares down at the body below his feet, his shoe digging deeper into the body's wound. The body yelps out in pain. He was a bit surprised that it's still alive. His stills are lacking, he's going to disappoint her. His grip on the knife tightens as he glares at the body. A glare that will burn into that thing's memory and into the afterlife. He lifted his feet up before stomping it down, making sure it was as hard as he could do, he wants that thing to suffer the worst pain imaginable. He wants to rip out its tongue, just like it did to her.

The thing starts begging him, to show it mercy. It begs for forgiveness. It begs for hope. It begs for anything but pain. The begging from this thing makes Dust angry. It doesn't deserve forgiveness or anything, kindness is a thing that it threw away, why should it receive it? She was so nice and caring, how dare all of them take it for granted? So, so, pitiful. But Dust doesn't pity them, he laughs and mocks its misery, despair, fear, trauma. Dust looks at the thing, he looks at its face. How dare it still show its face after pissing them off. Dust reaches down and hooks his fingers into its eye sockets, making it feel pain. Dust pulls its head up, pulling it by the eye socket. The thing whimpers in pain, tears welled up in the corner of its eyes.

"Where." He dislikes talking but demanding something important? Of course he will speak. Tho, when he spoke, it wasn't even his angry tone. What came out of his mouth was a growl. The things squeak in surprise and fear, Dust wanted to stomp on its open wound again just to hear it scream in pain.

"I-I don't know!" It cries out, its hands grabbing onto Dust's pants, clothing, anything it could grab onto.

"Liar." Dust slams its head back onto the floor, a satisfying crack, he loves that sound. Especially if it comes from his enemies. The thing screams out in pain, tears rolling down its face. Oh, how Dust wanted to do it again. The urge to make its skull crack open like stepping on a soda can. As much as he wants that, it would let the thing die faster, he wants it to suffer as long as possible. And so, he does what he is best at. Torture.

He leans down and pulls its shirt up, before it could say anything, his other hand went to grab onto its rib. He starts pulling on the rib, the rib starts bending forward, opposite of how the rib is actually supposed to face. It screams, more tears running down its face.

"Pl-Please! I'm sorry!" It cries, its legs start kicking in some kind of instinct, fear and pain. Oh, the tears that run down their face is something Dust loves, to see them cry in pain because of him. He loves it.

Soon, the rib snaps, making the thing scream the loudest scream it had ever released. Dust enjoys it, its screams were music to his ears. He wonders if he can make it scream even louder till it no longer can scream. Dust went to grab onto another rib, the thing starts begging once again, pleading him not to bend it again. Dust was upset how his toy broke so easily. But breaking toys is so fun, Error could just fix them back up and wipe their memories. Benefits of being one of the blessed ones from her and the creator. Dust starts bending the rib again when suddenly...

"Dust," Someone calls to him from behind. He stops his movements, releasing the rib from his grip. Dust looks at who interrupted him from having his fun, it has been a while since he had his fun, it's quite rude to interrupt.

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