I disappear to nothing

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I disappear to nothing in the wind as my ashes are carried on to the far beyond. I spread wide and far, that nothing remains. They scatter to the sea, to the ocean, mountains, lakes, fields, and forests. Nothing remains of what I was left yet, there is memory of me before the nothingness that others carry on until they disappear to nothing.

I disappeared to nothing that others can't see me, but I can see them and how they morn and forget. I wipe their tears that evaporite to nothing but air. I wipe their hair in the wind to remind them that I'm still here, that I'm not nothing. 

They remember and tell their kids or nieces or nephews of me so that I'm not gone. Photographs hang of us together yet eventually their taken down when the next or the generations after forgetting you and us, after you disappear to nothing. I disappear to nothing, but eventually you all will join me in nothingness.

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