♪☆ Basic Things ☆♪
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Male (he is trans, FTM)
Past life status: Lonely dude. No bitches. Or man whores/guy sluts. Or anything in
between.Likes doggo's
♪☆ Good Ending Jack ☆♪
Nice but has a temper, can be sarcastic at times.
~Towards Dave~
Loves him unconditionally, Jack is a top prove me wrong.
~Other Things~
Likes Peter over Dee
♪☆ Legacy Jack ☆♪
kind of a bitch.
~Towards Dave~
No opinion, hates him, but at the same time doesn't. He values Henry over Dave though.
~Other Things~
doesn't care for his siblings, he says they get in his way of his work. mf don't work nowhere tf you sayin -_-