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Charlotte's really into racing cars right now. Oh and motorcycles. She's obsessed with racing and cars though. Apparently Liam was watching a race and accidentally left it on and Charlotte watched it. He came back and she was just so into it.

Usually I don't spend too much time on dinner but I felt like spending time on hers.

I decided a ham and cheese sandwich was pretty basic and she would like it.

As I got the ham and bread I heard the front door open. Marissa's home.

"Hey sis." She looked stressed. She worked as a nurse, or one in training. It's this program where they gather college students interested in nursing and the medical field; and take them around their hospital to teach them real things instead of sitting in a classroom reading. She's practically a nurse but she just has someone supervising her.

"Hey. I'm just making Charlotte dinner." I'll make Rikky some when he wakes up.

"Oo cool."

"How was your day?"

"It was good. Really stressful. I found out mom has been sleeping at work apparently." Marissa sighed. My mother worked her job 24/7. She was also a nurse. Before she just worked the graveyard shift but now she just doesn't leave. I haven't seen her since last week.

"Why has she been working for so long?" I ask while pressing the mold for a race car into the finished sandwich.

"Apparently they've been working on some medicine or cure or some shit. She needs to come home, take a break, you know?" She sat at the counter ranting over how concerned she is mom. I am too honestly. She's been a hard worker but sometimes a little too much.

"Well at least she's doing something good? I'll call her tomorrow." I suddenly felt bad since I haven't called her in so long. Shit.

"Yeah. How was your day? I'm guessing Liam's somewhere in this house." She guessed correct.

"Yeah we watched movies all day with Charlotte and Rikky." Her face twitched slightly before smiling.

"Aw isn't that cute!" She's always been one for shipping me and Liam together even though I know damn well we could never happen. I'm too fucked up and he's too perfect. I'll fuck him up too much and he could never deserve that.

"No it isn't." It actually was.

"What movie?" Now Marissa, being the oldest, was concerned for me and Rikky, she hated when I'd show Rikky and Charlotte horror movies. She thought it's traumatize them since that's what happened to me at Charlotte's age at least.

But look how I turned out?

I should probably stop showing them horror movies.

"Fear street." I mumble.

"What was that?" She cupped her ear as if she didn't hear it.

"Fear street you old hag." I threw a apple at her before she caught it and bit out of it.

"Whatever. Anyway where's Liam boy now?" She rested her head on her hands pretending to kick her legs and act all day dreaming like a middle school girl who got asked out on a date for the first time.

"Present." A deep voice grumbled from the dark staircase. I looked over and sure enough Liam was standing there with him hand raised halfway like in roll call at school.

"There he is! My little sisters future husband!" She got up and did a girly run while shrieking to hug him.

I felt my face heat up at her comment. Liam just laughed and hugged her before coming towards me.

Oh did I mention he's shirtless?

"Hey gi." He wrapped his arms around my waist from the back as I poured a sippy cup with water in it for Charlotte.

I felt butterflies arise from my stomach when he started to hug me tighter, making me feel his warmth even more.

"Hey Liam." I didn't trust myself to speak without my voice shaking.

"Is that? Is that for Char?" I turned and his head was resting on my shoulder. His face was etched with shock and happiness.

"Yeah?" I was confused why he was so shocked. He knows I love Charlotte so why wouldn't I make her dinner?

"Wow." He simply said before kissing my head.

"Anyway is Rikky awake?"

"Yep. I left him upstairs to play with Charlotte." He says.

I hum in reply before gathering all of Charlotte's meal. The race car sandwich, some strawberries, a small caesar salad, and a sippy cup of water.

"Shit I should probably get Rikky. Charlotte probably put makeup on him already." Liam stops hugging me and runs upstairs fast to get Rikky.

I decide to start on Rikky's meal since he's awake now. Rikky's a baby so he only needs mashed up small foods. I decide oatmeal is fine for him. I prepare a small bowl with oatmeal, some sugar, and a little bit of cinnamon.

"I got the kids!" Liam comes down carrying Charlotte and Marissa comes down carrying Rikky.

"Wow this isn't a five star meal but it certainly looks good if I were a kid." Liam kisses my forehead whilst holding Charlotte on his hip.

"What's that?" Charlotte asks, stopping Liam before he turns away.

"What do you mean?" He stops and looks quizzically at both me and Charlotte. I simply shrug.

"That thing you did with your lips."


"That's a kiss sweetheart." He explains.

"What's that?" She asks.

"It's a way of showing love for someone." He answers.

"Oh okay!" Charlotte slaps Liam to let her down and she starts running around the house kissing Rikky first, then Marissa, then Liam, then me, and then continues with all her toys, kissing each and every one.

"I love you! And you! And you! Especially you!" She kissed each one before coming back to me and making me carry her.

"There! I love them all!" She kissed me on the cheek once more before I show her the plate of food I've made her.

"I'm sure you do. Now go eat with Rikky." I pepper her face with kisses before letting her run out.

"Rikky!!! I'm coming for you!" She starts running towards the dining table where Rikky was chowing down on his meal.

"You're amazing with kids, you know that right?" Liam comes around me and hugs me tightly, kissing me multiple times on the forehead. No matter where the kiss is, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Go put a goddamn shirt on Liam." Marissa comes up behind him and slaps his back hard.


"Go!" She points to the stairs and he scrambles upstairs before she gets the spoon.

I go back to the kitchen to make a meal for me and Marissa laughs.

"What?" She wiggles her eyebrows which makes me roll my eyes.

"You and Liam...?" She uses her finger to insinuate something between us.

"We're just friends!" I say exasperated.

"Yeah friends my ass."

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