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      Liam POV

I was the only one who knows it's Gigi's first time at a party. Thank god it's with me being there because who knows what would happen without me there. Although I really don't trust Drew around her, she's always been jumpy and I've never trusted him around her.

I've been friends with Gigi since we were babies. I've loved her since I knew what love was. I told my mom on accident when I was seven.


"Liam, you ready to watch Gigi's recital?" Gigi was a dancer. I always thought she was the prettiest when she danced.

"Yeah! She looks so pretty when she dances." I imagined watching her, with her hair all tied up, smiling and spining on that big stage.

"Oh really?" My mom quirked a eyebrow at me. Uh oh.

"I don't like her or anything!!" I waved my hands over each other rapidly so she gets the point.

"You sure?" She asks, turning on the car.

"Yep!" I sigh in relief. She would've laughed at me if I said yes.

"Okay then! We gotta go get Drew and Shane before we get there." My mom said while she started to back out if the driveway. 

Drew and Shane were my hockey bros. Shane was just a year older than me while Drew was my age. Drew was really weird. He has this weird obsession with Gigi and likes to hug her a lot, even more than me. But I just hit him on his head whenever he hugs her too much.

"Hi Drew." I say as he hops into the car. Drew was down the street so it was a fast drive.

"Hi." He said while closing the van door.

"How are you Drew? Did you tell your mom I said hi?" My mom was close with Drew's mom.

"Yes. Thanks for taking me." Drew has always been polite, especially witb my mom.

"So, we're watching Gigi?" Drew asked me.

"Yeah.. again, stop calling her Gigi. I made up that name." I know the name wasn't original and it was a pretty easy nickname, but I liked having that part of her to myself.

"Whatever." He stared out the window. What was his problem?

"You did great Gigi!!" I ran and hugged Gigi as she exited her dressing room. It's been a while, I guess she took a little to change. It took so long, her whole team had already left the dressing room.

"Thanks." She looked up at me tiredly. But there was something different about her eyes. It wasn't tired like "I just danced my butt off and I'm tired." It was like a grey color.

"Are you?-" I tried asking her but I saw Drew leave the dressing room. Why was he in there?

"I'm okay. Thanks for coming." She had a small smile. I just hugged her tighter even though I knew she wasn't 'fine'.

Present: Gianna

Everybody was absolutely wasted. Shelby and Claire grabbed my hand the second we got there, pulling me through the crowd of hot bodies. They were playing "Ayy Ladies" on the speakers so they dragged me through the crowd to dance. We had been here for forty minutes and this is one of my favorite songs to dance to, it really gets me excited and pumped.

"Oh yeahh!" Claire started to sway her hips with the song.

"Here! Take a shot!!" Shelby had yelled at me through the crowd since the music was blasting so loud.

I haven't ever tried alcohol but I guess you only live once. I took the small glass and downed it, all while shaking my hips and dancing to the music. I was feeling so freed and in the moment.

"Liam hey!" I saw Liam through the crowd, he smiled and looked at me.

"Hey Gi. Are you having fun?"

"Yeah. I just tried alcohol." I grinned up at him.

"Okay, who gave her the vodka?" He specifically looked at Shelby who was smiling and giggling to some random boy.

"Shelby." Claire joined us, pointing a stare towards Shelby.

"Oh jesus." Liam rubbed his forehead.

"Where's Shane and Drew?" Liam asked, looking around.

"Oh Shane's banging some chick" Drew showed up behind Liam. I immediately shut up and froze. Claire has loved Shane since they were kids, just like how I've loved Liam. I turned around and saw the hurt on Claire's face as I turned around to face her. Shane has always been a favorite with girls, so he would be with ten different girls and Claire has only ever loved him, no other boy. It crushes her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Drew?" I turn to Drew who knew immediately he fucked up.

"Sorry." He mumbled quietly.

"Damn right." Shelby had come back from flirting with the random boy now.

After the small dispute everybody got back to having fun. I drank more, I decided I would probably just get trashed anyway since I highly doubt I'd be back at a party so soon.

"Woo!" Ayy Ladies stopped playing and a new song turned on, My Type started playing.

"I love this song!!" I was so drunk, I could feel it. I started shaking my ass as if I had one. But who cares? I won't be doing this again anytime soon.

"Hey Liam remember that text message?" I remember.

"Yeah? The one you sent me earlier?" He asks.

"Yeah that one. Your a idiot." I giggle. Ew. The way my voice got all high pitch made me cringe.

"What do you mean?"

"That was one funny joke!" I laugh. Obviously I was drunk and didn't know what I was saying.

"What joke?"

"The text!!"

"Oh baby, I wasn't kidding about that."


He wants me to sit on his face?!

"Stop getting all red. Here have some water."


"Okay then. I'll be back in thirty, I have to go check on Shane, seeing as he is the only one not drinking." He says before leaving.

Now it's just me and my girls.

I feel so funny right now. My brain feels fuzzy. It's like the room is spinning around in a circle.

"Gianna." I turned around to the deep voice to find Drew.

"Hi." I said, I think my voice came out wobbly though.

"Come here." He held his hand out to bring me upstairs.

"Whyy?" I felt dizzy and blurry, everything felt really confusing.

"You look really hot tonight.." His hand started to trail down my body, high up my leg.

"No..." I closed my eyes and whined out. My head really hurt. Drew had given me a drink earlier I think.

"Oh relax. You've done this many times before. Remember?" Drew pulled my tutu up, sliding his hands under my shorts I had on underneath.

"No not again. Please." I had concentrated, focused, on what is actually happening.

"It's okay baby. Just calm down and stay quiet, I just need this."

Oh no.

              Not again.


Then it all went black.

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