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What the fuck.

What the actual fuck.

"He raped you?" I almost stuttered.

"Y-yes." Now she's really crying.

We sit there. I held her while she cried to me.

"Do you want to stop talking about it? I'm so sorry I brought it up." I say quietly.

"It's not even your fault. Your the first person I've told about this ever. It's kind of nice." She smiles softly before going on. I figured the best thing I can do for her right now and listen.

"He started raping me when I was around eight and he was nine. When I was ten he convinced me that we should date. Of course ten was never the right age to date but me being dumb and naive I thought I was old and mature. We dated for a month. During that time he touched me in so many place and hit me so many times when I told him no. I always thought it was my fault." She started to sniffle and I hugged her even more tightly.

This girl has been through too much for a teenager.

"It stopped when I was thirteen. But he did it again at that halloween party we went to." I stop.

That's why he stopped the party so abruptly.

I feel like yelling and shouting. Like punching a wall for god's sake. But I know Gianna doesn't like yelling or violence for that matter. So I keep it in for her sake.

"I know this can't heal or fix what's been done but, I'm sorry. I really am. I'm so sorry I wasn't there and I didn't know. But from now on he will never be allowed near you. I'll keep you safe forever."

"Promise?" She looks up at me with those doe eyes whilst holding up a pinkie.

"I'll do something better." I kiss her hand and look at her.

"I promise." She smiles lightly before cuddling into my arm again.

I remember when we were kids, she couldn't sleep without cuddling in next to me. She wouldn't. She would wait till I came over to sleep which is why we were together 24/7.

"Liam.." Gianna tugged on my arm, trying to wake me up.

"What.." My voice was still groggy from sleeping.

"Charlottes here!" Charlotte sprang up from the other side of Gianna and hugged us both.

"Hi baby!" Gianna grabbed Char and started to hug and tickle her.

We all laid in bed playing around, all three of us.

You know, I love seeing Charlotte with Gianna. It's my favorite thing ever. Gianna has always been such a kind, nurturing, and caring girl. Ever since we were kids, she's always aspired to be a teacher. I remember when we were six she decided she wanted to work with kids.

Gianna would be a great mom. And hopefully we could have kids someday. I dream about it all the time. I don't care if I'm broke or don't have my dream job. If we had a family and were together I would be completely fine.

I wouldn't trade her for anything.

"Can I snuggle with you guys?" Charlotte snuggles with us anyway before one of us could say yes.

We all laid in bed, Gianna occasionally looking at me and smiling.

That smile would make ice melt. It was so soft and sweet.

Everything about her is perfect. Absolutely everything.

I don't even want to think about what I'm going to do to Drew when I see him next. I just need to be here to support my Gianna. If I went out and decided to kill Drew already, Gianna wouldn't have anyone.

Four big guys

And they-

"Gianna hurry grab my phone!" She gets startled and starts laughing at my reaction. Of course Shane put that ringtone on my phone, and just when Charlotte's in the room too.

"What the hell man?" I step out of my room as I pick up the call from Shane.

"I have something really really really really really really important to ask you."

"So you have something really important to ask me I'm guessing." I say.

"No I just said that." I could practically hear his eyes rolling.

"Anyway, So when are you doing the thing." He asks.

"I'm not sure. But definitely soon like within the next week and a half depending on what I want to do. And if I need to reserve anything." I didn't want to do "the thing" until I have everything planned out and Shane has been helping me.

"Well I have a friend that can get a little special place for you guys for a few hours." He says. Honestly anything would work except a boat. Gianna hates boats.

"Sounds good. What is it?"

"It's a cool little spot by a lake. Now I know how Gianna is scared of deep water and whatever so this lake has only fish and a few small organisms living in it which is why I thought it was the perfect spot for you two. It has a little space where you can set up a blanket and some food, I could even ask if he could string up some lights and stuff. Luckily for you, my friend owns the small park. Wish my luck worked like this all the time" He sighs.

Wow that sounded perfect for Gianna. I could bring all her favorite foods and drinks.

Wow I'm actually going to do this.

"Thanks dude. What would I do without you?" I'm so thankful for Shane, he honestly helps me with so much.

"Well, you'd probably take her to a street race." He says.

"Nothing screams romance more than motor oil and engines!" I could see him doing that weird thing with his arm across the phone.

"Fuck off Shane. Anyway, is this Friday good?" I ask.

"Let me check. I'll text him real quick." He pauses for a moment and I hear him typing on his phone.

"Shit..." My heart drops. I'm guessing it's not available by his reaction.

"What?" I ask.

"Well the earliest is tomorrow but that seems a bit sudden." Well shit. I guess tomorrow's fine. We could do it before friends giving. That's actually perfect because we can announce it to our friends.

"Prefect. Save me a spot on that date okay?" Hopefully what I'm about to surprise her with will make her happy. That's all I want.

"Okay I will. Good-luck with Gianna." He ends the call and I go back into my bedroom.

"Shimmer and Shine! Wouwoo!" The first thing I'm greeted with is Charlotte and Gianna dancing in front of my TV with held hands.

"Now what is this?" I put my hands on my hips and Gianna laughs.

God that laugh of her's.

"We are watching Shimmer and Shine. It ain't that complicated man." She shrugs. And she's back to her old self. But her eyes tell a different story. From the beginning her eyes told me things that her voice didn't.

"Can I join?"

A/N: Oooo a cliffhanger?? I'm thinking of putting a pause on this book and writing a new one?? 

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