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"Gigi are you sick?" Mari came rushing over to me and felt my forehead. Yeah. I am.

"Oh god go lay down let me go get the medicine bag." She ran to go get the big bag of medicined and thermometers. I laugh at how motherly she was being.

"I'll stay home today to take care of you."


"No no! It's okay! I can take care of myself!" I wave my hands in front of my face. It was a saturday so I could just ask Shelby or Claire if I really needed anything.

"Are you sure?" She had no doubt I could take care of myself but was probably concerned if I passed out or something.

"Yeah if I need anything I'll call you." I smile.

"God I'm dying Claire." After a few hours my sore throat got worse and I felt as if I was dying.

"I can tell. Your voice is super scratchy." She laughed at me. I could be on my death bed and these two would be laughing because my hair would be a mess.

"Stop laughing!"

The chicken noodle soup I was eating was delicious. Shelby had brought it from her house. Her mom was amazing at cooking.

"Well I have to get going."

"Same. We have to go down to the volunteer center." Claire finishes.

I forgot about that. We usually would go together and volunteer together for community service hours but I'm sick.

"Okay bye guys love you."

"Love you too ulga." Claire kissed me on the forehead. She's probably the most unhinged out of us all.

They both left and here I was sitting on my couch. Dying.

Now what do I do? I am so sick that if I get up my legs would be all shaky and I'd be cold as fuck. I guess I could try movies.

I looked around the living room for the remote only to find it on the tv console.

Ten steps away from me.

I really want to watch a movie but I don't want to get up! I was all warm and cozy. I started thinking of ways to get the remote without moving off the couch.

Nope I have no ideas.

Maybe I could use a trash picker. That idea was instantly shut down because one we don't even own a trash picker and two even if we did it would be in the garage, and that's even further than the remote.

After loads of thinking I could only think of calling someone to get the remote. Yes. I seriously did contemplate whether or not I should ask one of my friends to drive ten minutes to my house to get a remote ten feet away from where I was laying down.

After loads, and loads of contemplation and thinking I decided to just get up and get it.

I ripped the covers off my body and took one huge swift step over the cold hardwood floor and grabbed the remote and running back to the coach where I threw the blankets back onto my body.

Damn all that brain work and I could've been watching Tangled right now.

"Why!!! Why is that ugly hag alive!!? Flynn and Rapunzel were so perfect!" I cried and blowing my nose out into one of the many tissues I had from crying my eyeballs out.

I used to watch Tangled so much that I needed to take a break from it or I would know the whole script. Now I'm seventeen and watching it again after two years and crying my eyeballs out because of the way Flynn looks at Rapunzel.

The movie ended, following a black screen. This made me sad because I officially ran out of things to do.

I glance down at my digital watch and see it's only two in the afternoon.

I groan in agony. I'm so bored!!

I do the unthinkable. Call Liam.

Me and him aren't on the best of terms right now but maybe if I can invite him over we could talk it out.

"Liam?" I asked when he picked up on the third ring.

"Hey. What?"

"Do you wanna come over?" I ask shyly.


With that the call ended with a beep. Before when we would call he'd call me his princess or Gigi. This time he didn't even ask how my day was. It's not that I care if he asks or not but my point is, he's acting off. Weird even.




"Hey Liam." I shouted from the couch. He had a key to my house so he could come inside with ease.

The anxious feeling arose in my stomach once again, making my heart race and pound like there's no tomorrow.

"So why'd you want me to come over?" He asks while sitting on the single couch across from where I was lying down.

I bet I looked like a mess. My light brown hair sprawled out across a pillow, a huge comforter draped across my body, and my leg sticking out.

"I was bored." I simply say.

My anxiety started rising again. I felt my body start to shake just a little.

"Okay..." He slowly says.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about last night..." I say slowly. His attention flares and he turns to me.


"Why are you so mad?" I ask. I didn't mean to sound rude.

"I'm not." Bullshit.

"That's bullshit and you know it." Suddenly I didn't feel sick. I just felt a sudden mix of anger and sadness.

"Gianna..." He started to speak but I really just needed to get everything off my chest.

"No Liam. Why are you being cold again? I thought we both agreed I would help you get better Liam! For fucks sake, you kept coming over all muddy and dirty late at night. You think I didn't notice that? Five months ago you started to be more distant, just like now. I can't stand to see that happen to you again. You were hurting...after your dad..." After I brought up his dad I knew I had hit a sore subject.

"Gianna don't you even dare bring my father into this. I was being distant for a reason. It's none of your business." He scoffs.

"Yes it is! I am your best friend and have been since you were born. It is my business Liam! I actually care. And I have forever." I say. I watch his hard expression soften.

"I'm sorry. It's just been hard okay? I don't feel like talking to you right now Gianna." He got up from the couch and walked to the front door.

I lost him.

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