3: break stuff

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"No risk, no story"———

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"No risk, no story"

"We clearly saw you damaging public property with others so just tell us who they are and where to find them and it will soften the blow" the cop lectures me for the fifth time, "you really think I'm about to snitch huh?" I ask sarcastically. This is the third cop I have managed to piss off within thirty minutes of me being in the interrogation room. "Can you at least tell us who you are?" The second cop says in a defeated tone. "I'm gonna leave that one up to you guys to figure out!" I say happily with sarcasm once again dripping from my voice.

They walk out defeated which leaves me in this room alone once again. Although I'm acting like an actual dick I'm so anxious once they find out who I am they will put me back into the system-no....that will never happen again. My thoughts are disrupted by the previous cops walking back in with grins on their faces, this can't be good.

"So, it's not your first rodeo with us is it Avril Sharpe?" My face pale's and to that the cops smirk even wider. "I see you have quite the record of; drug use, theft, damage to public property and even some assault charges in there" the cop blurts and I stay quiet forming a plan in my mind. "Why so quiet AVRIL?" The cop says in my face.

"Shut your trap ass wipe!" I reply spitting in his face which effectively get's him out of my face. The other cop which had been silent the whole time finally peeps up, "anything you want to tell us now? With your previous record we can put you away for some time you may even be trialed as an adult" he threatens, that dick! I huff in response
"I do actually" I smile appears on the cops' faces, "can I go to the bathroom?" Their faces form one of frustration once again. "Fine" the first cop walks me to the toilet. "You have two minutes and I'm coming in" he says from outside the toilet.

"Jesus I can't piss that quickly!" I reply but get no response. I'm quick to unlock the handcuffs with a bobby pin, what? Growing up in the rough part of town teaches you some stuff! I look up to see tiny windows close to the roof with broken metal bars that have already fallen off, bingo.

"One minute!"

Shit, I need to move quick. I stand on the toilet and open the window as quietly as possible and I start putting my body through. I'm about halfway through but my ass is blocking my way.


I keep pushing myself but it won't budge!


It won't work!


I'm slowly getting my ass through and am almost done.


I push my butt through but I'm still sitting on the window sill.


I look back stupidly and make eye contact with the cop. I flip him the bird and start booking it catching many glances from the cops outside but I'm running too fast for them to react. An alarm blares loudly just as I enter the street and I run faster than I ever have in my life.

I keep running until I think it's safe and see I have already made it to the poorer part of town which I live in. I find an empty alleyway with a few high people in it and spot a pot of gold, a pac of cigarettes! I walk over to them and start some small talk but they are too busy crying or laughing to notice me swiftly taking the pac and putting in my pocket. I take my exit and start smoking my first one as I walk to the place I used to call home.


So I really would like some feedback if anyone is even reading this haha
- author

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