Chapter 4- Testing

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The room was silent after Chrollo announced what will happen, like it was a guarantee. Nobody questioned his authority, nor will. They have absolute trust in him, no doubts, no hesitation, and he seemed quite the same.

Jumping from where he sat, Chrollo was now in front of me, and I notice his stature a lot more than I had before. He's very tall, not the tallest, but tall none the less. His lengthy figure was supported by his broad shoulders. Bending down to meet my face, he stares at me more. Everyone's breath seems to be held to see what their precious leader would do next.

Lifting his hand up slightly, I smack it away, and he smirks more, his interest piqued.

"Please, push aside the theatrics. I won't make you beg for something that's posted for the world to see," I reply frankly, he hasn't looked away yet, nor have I.

"Is it now? I could hardly tell, (y/n) Nagatsuka." he's straightforward with his responses.

"I'll only tell what you need to know, nothing more nor less," his eyes glint more in the moonlight.

"So, tell me (y/n) what do I need to know?" he asks, teasing me. He acts like I'm his old friend.

"All you need to know is that I'm (y/n) Nagatsuka, a professional killer, and please, don't mess with me," I reply shrugging, I won't speak again, and he knows that.

"All right then, did you come about to interest Hisoka of all people? That sure isn't an easy feat, so, tell me, how?" he finally looks away to turn to sit back up on his pedestal of brokenness. I turn sharply on my heal and make my way to a big piece of stone, supported by a smaller one, and sit down, resting my arm on my leg and lean forward. I don't respond.

"Ah, that's right, it completely left my mind, I should be asking you Hisoka," Chrollo states matter-of-factly, picking up his book once again.

"From what I could decipher, she was given a mission to kill me, and to my interest I couldn't detect her, not once. We ended up fighting for hours, and she never used her nen once, not to attack me that is." At that everyone turns back to me, I only close my eyes and nod. The wind starts to blown from the openings near the top of the hideout.

"Is that so? Would you like to give us a representation of what you can do, (y/n). It would make it all the more easier to decide whether you're Spider material. You can either show us by yourself, or pick anyone here to fight to demonstrate your unwavering power," I only nod.

Picking myself up slowly, I turn to look at everyone in the eye. The snarky short one catches my attention the most. His attitude makes my decision easy, you're going to get it, shorty.

I lift my arm up slightly and everyone in the direction of the short man straightens up, but I eye only him.

"You, shorty, get over here." I say once, and he obliges, smirking more under his mask.

"She has shit luck," a blond guy wearing green and white chuckles.

"Maybe she'll survive," a member with glasses and short black hair says, her golden cross shifting.

"Look what she did to Hisoka without nen, she'll be fine," a boy in pastel states.

"Hardly," Paku says.

"This will prove to be quite interesting," Chrollo finally adds.

Taking his stance, the shorty looks up at me waiting for me to give the call. He removes his mask that was hiding his maniacal smile, and a few breathy laughs here and there.

"Before we begin, you name please," I say.

"Feitan Portor, toy," he says slyly. I huff a breath out and surround myself with a mass amount of aura. I release my nen, preforming ren, and show only about 50% of my power, maybe less.

Feitan was taken aback, but only for a slight second, he bends down and snaps forward to me at incredibly speed, aiming is outstretched hand toward my neck, clearly trying to decapitate me, but to no avail.

I dodge quickly, sustaining no damage and snap backwards, pushing my foot forward and into his gut. He's moved back multiple feet before wiping and spurt of blood that escaped from his lips. Racing forward again he distributes multiple kicks, punches, and cuts onto me, but nothing that I couldn't handle, until he hits a pressure point, paralyzing my left arm for who knows how long.

Jumping back where a man with a palm tree head of hair sits, I try to move my arm, but no response was given. Huffing out in annoyance, I jump slightly and move at a pace similar to his, and rid him of any weapons he may have on hand, pulling his arms from their position and onto his back, a weapon of my own aimed at the top of his shoulder, my grip hardly tight, since I can't fell anything in this useless limb.

Feitan's eyes wide in shock as he blurts to himself, "I.. can't move. What did you do to me, toy." he seethes, gritting his teeth.

"Normally, you wouldn't have been able to land a blow on me, if you weren't serious, of course, so while you were consumed with your pride, I released my aura in the shadows and controlled them, only slightly and moved them unnoticed, enveloping your body, immobilizing you." I smile glaring at the top of his head.


"From that you were able to unarm him and give yourself the upper hand, using as little effort as possible," Chrollo finishes. I look up at him, this time there is no smile, not even a grin, but astonishment.

Nodding, I continue, "Unfortunately, I don't feel like fighting at the moment, so I ended this quickly. If you do wish to continue, wait until I give you the go-ahead, shorty. And don't worry, your ego is only bruised, I bet your really really strong" I let go of him, and my arms able to move a little more than before. My teasing tone set a fire in him, more of a rage actually.

Glaring back at me, he returns back to the man in white and green, huffing out unintelligible words.

Dusting myself off, I make my way towards the leader, stopping where I was before.

"If that was sufficient, I would like to hear your answer."

"That was quite an interesting fight, it ended before it even began. You are very talented, (y/n), but unfortunately I need more proving. From now on I will be watching you on our next mission, so stay close by." He stares back, his moonlight orbs glancing at my eyes to my lips and back up.

Nodding slightly I turn and make my way towards to exit, not bothering to give a goodbye. It was unnecessary. I have to go back home, tell them I failed the mission and leave. I doubt they would care.

After I left, I made my way through the maze of abandonment and towards to heart of the city.

Someone's following me...

"(y/n), wait please," his voice calls from behind me. I stop slowly, not needing to turn.

"Yes?" I ask, Chrollo meeting up with me, the stars giving off their brightness on the dust around us.

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