Chapter 5- Back Home

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His footsteps gradually get louder, the sound bouncing off the quiet earthy ground before us, the city lights shining in the distance, the sky shinning even more brightly. These conversations he has with me are starting to become more troublesome by the second. It's not that I don't want to talk to him, actually, I don't at all. The desire really isn't there, I'm only giving him the benefit of the doubt due to the respect I have for those higher than I, in skill or in power. If I could have it my way, I would ditch him before he even gets the chance to speak.

"Yes?" I ask again, rolling my eyes to the sky. Chrollo doesn't respond, not even a gesture of sound, nor of movement, but continues walking till he reaches my side.

Looking right at me, I refuse to meet his scrutiny. His face was shadowed at the side, intimidating none the less, but he seemed calm. Keeping my focus forward, I motion for us to keep walking, as I have things to do and places to be. Nobody seems to understand this, and frankly, it's annoying to say the least.

The hell does he want...

Accepting my invitation, we walk silently side by side for a few yards before I've had it with his being.

"State your business, Chrollo." I utter.

"Very ironic of you (y/n), but shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" he sighs, brushing a hand over his hair.

"We aren't in your hideout, so you may not have authority over me, even if that isn't the case, you still showed up uninvited accompanying me before I leave, so I'll say it again, state you business." I breathed in one breath, irritated.

"And if I don't say?" he asks. Stopping completely, I turn around to face him finally look up at him, as I assume that's what he wanted.

"Finally, you look at me. You are very curious to me, you know that?"


"Well, I have a few questions to ask you, but before that where are you going?"


"Hardly. I thought I told you to stay close," he remarks, flicking his orbs back up at the sky, then down on me.

"I assumed that was only on missions,"

"And that right there is your problem, (y/n)." he smiles.

This is one of the first times I've been shocked at what this guy has to say. Usually I keep up my composure, to be professional, but also since that's the only thing I know how to do, but he's managed to get passed that. Sneaky bastard...

I grimace, "Excuse me?"

"I don't recall that I stuttered," he replies cockily.

Taking a deep breath, refusing to match his attitude, taking the time to think of my words, I reply, "Where I go shouldn't be any of your business, but for the sake of the conversation, the only thing I'll say is I have things to do before I return."

"Then I shall accompany you," he grins.

"Absolutely not," his face drops and an understatement would be that it was completely satisfying, putting this ass in his place.

"And why is that?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Why do you refuse to answer them?" he asks, tilting his head to the side, amusement in his eyes.

He has his answer now. I don't respond. Not once, not even a look. I give him nothing.

The wind blows slightly against us, his clean scent invading my senses, I assume the same goes for me, but I take this as my one and only chance to get away from the leader.

Pivoting on my foot, I jump as high as I can, using my aura to boost me higher, and I land several yards away. I hear him start to step towards me, but any efforts he made were shut down when I vanished from his sight, using my speed to leave at all costs.

The desire isn't there, it never has been. I want nothing to do with him, nor the troupe. This has only posed as a change to what I've lived for so long. Twenty-two years. I have been this killing machine for this long, I was bound for a change, but this was not what I had in mind.

I make my way through the heart of the city, taking a few cabs to the outskirts, opposite of the hideout, and find the nearest port for airships. This city was polar to Yorknew. It wasn't rundown on the outsides, it was very clean, and mafia didn't run the majority of it. It was any normal average city, with bustling people and hunters.

I purchased my ticket to arrive at my home district, to explain the generality of my situation to my parents. Arriving at the airship, a private one with me as it's only passenger, I sit down and relax myself for the first time in a while. It's been about two days since I've been in Yorknew, and one day since I've left. Three day's I've been gone, and I wonder if they actually cared.

The sun starts to rise filling the sky with another set of beautiful colors, and an announcement that we are taking off is spoken through the intercom. The city stays behind me, along with my new future, and the past is only getting nearer. In five hours, I'll arrive at hell, once again.


A never ending forest seems to loom in front of me, the mist at the bottom making it's way up to the foreign lump of metal flying over it. This was it.

"Ten minutes till we arrive at our destination," the pilot informed me. Slipping my mask back on, I mute all of the emotions that were formed in me while I was on my confusing mission.

The ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye, as I'm dropped onto a strip of asphalt, the doors of the airship opening before me. Stepping out, I'm invited back with wet air, and humidity. I've always hated the way the atmosphere felt here, and it's never changed.

I left quickly, no bags were needed to be grabbed since I brought nothing than what I had. Shoving my hood on once again, I made my way through the major city, the sun hardly poking through the mist, a grey light shinning over the population.

Taking more cabs like before, I'm dropped off at a gravel road in front of a mansion. This wasn't like any average rich house that someone buys, no, this wasn't where I actually lived. I lived under it all. The façade of an assassins family house was to attract anyone willing to actually try and abduct or murder the members, and kill them off there, so the history of death invites me every time.

Shoving my hands deep into my pockets, I make my way to the heavy metal doors and swing one open, not bothering to be quiet when shutting it, making my existence known. I walk down endless halls and down three sets of stairs before the actual doors to my living hell greeted me.

Turning the knob, and opening the door only enough for me to fit through, cold air shifts around me, my hood being blown off and my hair being shuffled all the more.

This will be fun...

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