Chapter 12: Dreams

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I can't move. I'm at a standstill in a void of nothingness, but it isn't just nothing, there's something here. I can feel it's eyes on me.

Behind me.

To the right

To the left a little



Oh that's right, the eyes aren't in one place... they are everywhere and nowhere all at once. They're in me, on me, by me, with me.

But that's not all,

I think I hear...voices??

Yeah, voices calling out to me.

It's the people I killed, murdered...

The business man who just turned fifty that looked at me and just accepted fate and never even put up a fight when he was assigned to me.

The lady who posed as a problem to family operations, who stared at me with tear filled eyes as I took her life without a second thought.

The little girl who's life was taken for revenge, who stared at me with old looking eyes and a gleam of tears gathering at the base.

Not just them though.

It's everyone that I did wrong, but I'm confused.

They aren't yelling, they are just talking. To me. Comforting me.

"Child you did what you needed to, it was nothing against us by you,"

"I don't blame you, it wasn't your fault, it was my time though and I thank you for doing it quickly,"

"I love you... even though you looked scary when you took me,"

Something's falling from my eyes, tears it's seems. The liquid of salty guilt and cold regret.

"im sorry..."

"Don't do that to her!"

"You monster!!"

"Don't hurt her!!"

Why are they yelling?? What happened?




Oh, they are yelling at Father, and Mother.

Wait what happened to the void? Why am I in the... why am I home? The walls are shorter than they were, but the ceiling is taller? None of this makes sense.

"You will learn..." a sharp slide of a metal object fills the walls and bounces through this box of a room.

"Don't question," something is picked up off of a wall, leather it sounds like or a piece of cloth.

Oh that's right, I grew up in this room. It's the 'torture room' where they taught me all I needed to know. It's the place they revealed their masked sides. Mother and Father did horrible things here. To me...

"STOP!" I scream, and suddenly the walls all shatter and fall, and so am I but now I can see everything. The eyes of those who were staring, and the little girl who haunted my dreams for months, days, weeks.

She gets bigger and closer in my field of vision and she's crying. Crying out to me, arms outreached like I'm her mother, but her eyes turn yellow, and bright sickening yellow that triggers the gag reflex of any sane person.

They turn dull, then bright, then the shape changes. Fat, small, skinny, broad, sharp, tired, it's everything. The light is blinding at this point. It's growing stronger and louder it's suffocating. It won't stop...







"STOP!!!" I scream, my yells dance up the walls of my room in the hideout. It was just a dream.

My breath won't come easy, I'm fighting just for a minimum of a normal amount of air, but it's a battle, and they only come short and strained. My hair is matted to my forehead and neck in a film of sweat, and the tiny blanket I had bought after the fight with the Shadow Beasts a few months ago has been flung to the side near my feet, everything near them disheveled and moved.

I have a pounding headache and I can't stop replaying the events in my dream. It's been happening for a while, since I left the house, but it's never been this bad.

In the back of my mind I hear foot steps, but they become real when I realize they are right outside of the room, and down the hall.

Quickly someone shuffles into this run down and broken room and stares at me.

Midnight eyes and a tattoo.

"Chrollo," I breathe out, panting.

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