Chapter 1 Resurrection

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Michal there's a bitter on your left said john pointing past Connor walking through a street with Marcus and Connor all wearing tape and newspaper bitter armor on their forearms.

Hey john get a look at this said Marcus walking up to a street post pointing out the street as he takes a map of the city out of his backpack unraveling it and looking for the street.

I don't know about this one champ how do we know this isn't just a raider camp leading dumbasses to their death or outrider leading us to his camp he knows were still out here doesn't he asked john taking the paper and looking at it closely.  

Hey man I get that but coming from me a guy who was almost killed by him that only survived because of the smallest bit of luck I mean hell we all could've died when those bullets heated up and shot anywhere your lucky no one got hit that wasn't an outrider henchman!


Yea there's no way those people actually believe him or think he is a good guy like fuck he killed innocent people for no reason he just wanted blood cause last we checked no one's been in Ikea for months only wandering bitters said Connor.

yea I mean if you had died you know we would've gone after him but since we arnt really armed up or even have half as many men as him I think we should stay clear of any encounters said walking down the street folding the paper and giving it to Michal.   

john we did lose someone we lost Cj you just going to Igno- 

Connor! we didn't lose him Shawn lost him that's his deal man and I'm sorry, but he didn't really save anyone all he did was drive a little and take a bullet to the dome said john turning back and facing Connor walking towards him looking pissed with anger in his eyes as he looks in Connors eyes till Michal separates them pushing them away from one another.

guys what the fuck was that come on we all need to calm the hell down man if we attract to many more bitters we might as well be yelling free fucking food so let's calm our tits and maybe make this a little more organized and we could vote on who wants to go to that mystery group behind door one or go and ignore life's and maybe be the reason they don't live behind door fucking  2 said Michal looking back and forth at them 

fine well vote said john reluctantly.

ok then who votes we at least get within viewing distance of this camp said Connor raising his hand as Michal and Marcus both raise their hands. 

well, I guess we know what we're going to do then said Connor holding up the map and marking the way to the street starting to walk in the direction of the small gas station that is marked on the address.  

35 minutes later outside the gas station Connor, Michal, john and Marcus all loading their guns behind a car while getting a look at the inside the gas station but only see paper covered windows, john and Michal nod to each other than stand up and start walking towards the building with their guns drawn with Connor and Marcus following close behind as john slowly cracks the door open looking inside slowly to see the shelves covered in blood and guts as they all walk in turning on their flashlights walking around looking for any survivors but as they see the whole store is empty they decide to go into the back room but as they crack the door open a smell of rotting flesh seeps out making Michal gag from the horrible smell as john decides to walk into the room but a man stands there with body's all around his feet but when they put their flash lights up to his face they see it is outrider standing with a group of freshly killed survivors one still crawling away as outrider shoots him in the head then looks back to see john and Connor and the others staring at him in shock as he raises his gun at them but john closes the door fast enough that when outrider shoots the door stops the bullet 

shit man we got to go now we got to lose them said Connor putting a body in the way of the door blocking it as Connor and the others run out the front of the door and see 3 outrider solders carrying body's. 


run get to the truck we can try to drive out of here said john running towards the truck till he stops when a faint hissing sound starts getting louder and realizes that the truck is on fire in the inside and it was a trap. 

run the trucks inside is on fire yelled john running away from the truck with the others running with him through the street with a bullet hitting john in the shoulder falling down as bullets zip past hitting buildings. 

Fuck!!! guys go ill meet you at Ikea ok, i think i know the way coughed john as he loads his shotgun and blast at outriders' solders running to them. 

I'll see you their john I'm gonna hold you to it I'm gonna see you brother said Marcus grabbing Connor and Michal as they run down the street going from behind car too car till, they are out of sight.

fuck you yelled john getting up and firing two shots from his gun till he sees the solders getting eaten by a hoard of bitters that then spot john and start speed walking towards him as he starts to limpingly run away to meet with the others till he realizes that leading the hoard home will put everyone in danger so he turns off the way the others went and start to walk down another street with the hoard on his ass catching up 



... Michal 

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